We, the Dachsies With Moxie, would like to thank Blogville for supporting us as we trained Snoopy in the ways of Blogville- He successfully completed his Blogville training and has become the Senior Security Consultant at Dachshund Security, LLC. So, today we are launching the fund raiser to raise his adoption fees that will ensure that he stays with us forever!
There are TWO, yes TWO items being raffled for this adventure! First up is your very own Frankie Furter quilt made by WHN- the winner will be chosen on March 17th by our very own former furst Mayor, Frankie! The quilt will be 45 x 45 inches and will have the likeness of your very own Blogville resident(s) on it!
The second item up for the raffle is a hand crocheted scarf made by Mayoress Madi's Mom! She slaved away on this for years, closely snoopervised by our beloved Mayoress!
Now for the fun part- tickets are 2.00 a piece, six for ten dollars. Until March 7th, please use the Chipin located at the top of the blog (Chipin closes its doors on that date) After that date, PayPal direct transfers will be used, or you can just email WHN if you prefer to pawticipate in another manner. DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com for more info!
Raffle tickets are on sale from March 1st through March 15th- PLEASE leave a comment with the donation as to which of these fabulous hand made items you wish to be in the pot for. Former Mayor Frankie will have his paws full on the 17th, chewsing our two winners!
OVERSEAS Blogville residents are included in the raffle!!!!!
Goose has purchased 12 tickets- for the QUILT
White Dog Army has purchased 6 tickets-QUILT
The Slimmer Pugs have purchased 6 tickets- QUILT
Stella Rose and her sister bought 2 tickets- QUILT
Ginger Jasper bought 6 tickets- QUILT
Ernie (Frankie's little brother) bought Six tickets - QUILT
Millie's Mom, our World Famous Quilter Cindy- 6 tickets for the quilt
Sasha the Loveable Shi Tsu bought 6 tickets for the quilt
WDA AGAIN- 6 tickets for the scarf!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Today is the Day- It's All About Me Blog Hop!
Today is the final day of the latest quilting adventure, the "It's All About Me!" Blog Hop. Madame Samm and Marlene put their gorgeous heads together for this extravaganza of quilting goodness and the results have been fabulous! Amy Bradley, a wonderful designer, designed the pattern for the pawticipants to use and away we went! We were to utilize the pattern to recreate ourselves in fabric! Today is my turn and I hope that you enjoy what I made.
Two years ago, on 22 March 2011, I underwent a gastric bypass in order to lose weight. I had ballooned up to 365 lbs, and was actually down to 322 lbs on the date of the surgery. Today I weigh 206, and have about 35 lbs to go. I decided to commemorate what this surgery has meant in my quilts- I made two wall hangings- a BEFORE and After, as you will. The first photo shows the BEFORE me- long hair and lots of weight! The hair is actually constructed from leftover scraps from a pineapple themed wall hanging that I made for a dear friend- I could not bear to throw away the pieced yellow strips so they became hair in this latest incarnation. I used a bright pink fat quarter for my sunglasses, and some dachshund fabric for my top. The quilting was inspired by a wonderful quilter, Angela Walters, whose book- Free Motion Quilting With Angela Walters- Choose and Use Quilting Designs for Modern Quilts, I recently borrowed from the local library in order to improve my skills-
As my friends in BLogville know, I also suffer from PTSD and depression, and this particular quilt also shows how I feel when in the grip of an episode- I just want to fade away and not be noticed until the panic passes. I was also very sensitive to how I looked, and self conscious since I was so fat- I wanted to blend into the background due to the embarrassment of being fat (and I was fat due to my own behavior- not genetics). It became an almost never ending cycle of behavior and I was fortunate enough to finally say "Enough" and start doing something about it- I had hoped to lose the weight without resorting to surgery, since I equated that with failing. Unfortunately that was not the case for me, so I did undergo the procedure at University Hospital in Cleveland. Thankfully, I did not have any other health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol.
The next five pictures show the AFTER- the new me! I again used a dachshund fabric for the top, in order to pay homage to my dachshund babies, Chip, Tasha and Snoopy, my owners and the real reason I blog. I used the same fabric from the above quilt for the background, and used the same pattern for the quilting- the Basic Swirl found on page 21 of Angels Walters' book. The hair, which is short now, is also from the leftover yellow pineapple striping, and the same pink for the sunglasses (pink is my favorite color). However, I used a 2003 Mary Englebreit print for the borders and to embellish the new me, complete with crown! The borders all proclaim- "It's Good to be Queen" I also used two layers of polyester batting to give the second quilt a little more umph, and both quilts were bound in a gold lame binding I bought at Joann's at least six years ago and still had. Both quilts were backed with shiny cotton solids that I had used twenty years ago on quilts for my family- the shine made them very difficult to quilt, even with the slider and quilting gloves the fabric fought me!
Please check out the artistic endeavors of my fellow pawticipants today- they are fabulous ladies and they are true artists!
Thursday, February 28
Cherry Blossoms
Hill Valley Quilter
Dachsies With Moxie
I Like To QuiltBlog
Quilt Smiles
More Stars In Comanche
Tea Time Creations
Shedding the Wolf
Life, Quilts, and a Cat Too
Judy at That Other Blog
Madame Samm
BEFORE- 322 lbs |
Two years ago, on 22 March 2011, I underwent a gastric bypass in order to lose weight. I had ballooned up to 365 lbs, and was actually down to 322 lbs on the date of the surgery. Today I weigh 206, and have about 35 lbs to go. I decided to commemorate what this surgery has meant in my quilts- I made two wall hangings- a BEFORE and After, as you will. The first photo shows the BEFORE me- long hair and lots of weight! The hair is actually constructed from leftover scraps from a pineapple themed wall hanging that I made for a dear friend- I could not bear to throw away the pieced yellow strips so they became hair in this latest incarnation. I used a bright pink fat quarter for my sunglasses, and some dachshund fabric for my top. The quilting was inspired by a wonderful quilter, Angela Walters, whose book- Free Motion Quilting With Angela Walters- Choose and Use Quilting Designs for Modern Quilts, I recently borrowed from the local library in order to improve my skills-
As my friends in BLogville know, I also suffer from PTSD and depression, and this particular quilt also shows how I feel when in the grip of an episode- I just want to fade away and not be noticed until the panic passes. I was also very sensitive to how I looked, and self conscious since I was so fat- I wanted to blend into the background due to the embarrassment of being fat (and I was fat due to my own behavior- not genetics). It became an almost never ending cycle of behavior and I was fortunate enough to finally say "Enough" and start doing something about it- I had hoped to lose the weight without resorting to surgery, since I equated that with failing. Unfortunately that was not the case for me, so I did undergo the procedure at University Hospital in Cleveland. Thankfully, I did not have any other health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes or high cholesterol.
The next five pictures show the AFTER- the new me! I again used a dachshund fabric for the top, in order to pay homage to my dachshund babies, Chip, Tasha and Snoopy, my owners and the real reason I blog. I used the same fabric from the above quilt for the background, and used the same pattern for the quilting- the Basic Swirl found on page 21 of Angels Walters' book. The hair, which is short now, is also from the leftover yellow pineapple striping, and the same pink for the sunglasses (pink is my favorite color). However, I used a 2003 Mary Englebreit print for the borders and to embellish the new me, complete with crown! The borders all proclaim- "It's Good to be Queen" I also used two layers of polyester batting to give the second quilt a little more umph, and both quilts were bound in a gold lame binding I bought at Joann's at least six years ago and still had. Both quilts were backed with shiny cotton solids that I had used twenty years ago on quilts for my family- the shine made them very difficult to quilt, even with the slider and quilting gloves the fabric fought me!
Please check out the artistic endeavors of my fellow pawticipants today- they are fabulous ladies and they are true artists!
Thursday, February 28
Cherry Blossoms
Hill Valley Quilter
Dachsies With Moxie
I Like To QuiltBlog
Quilt Smiles
More Stars In Comanche
Tea Time Creations
Shedding the Wolf
Life, Quilts, and a Cat Too
Judy at That Other Blog
Madame Samm
Monday, February 25, 2013
Look whose birthday it is!
Today, Miss Muffin's boy furend, The Snoopmeister, is FIVE! Right now he and Chip are at the VET getting their teeth cleaned and Tasha is with them undergoing a follow up on her skin allergies, leaving WHN home alone and unsnoopervised. We have no idea what damage we will be forced to clean up when we get back later today, but we expect to find a huge mess.
PeeEss- Don't forget to come back March 1st for the first day of the DRNA Snoopy raffle!
PeeEss- Don't forget to come back March 1st for the first day of the DRNA Snoopy raffle!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
What a weekend- and it is only Saturday!
Dear Blogville,
We have just returned home from our newest adventure! That's right, we just did one leg of a DRNA transport for one lucky dachshund named NEMO! He is going to his furever home in Oklahoma, but his foster home was in Illinois! Nemo is a standard black and tan boy and WHN loved him- she reminded her of The Thai Master! We drove to Litchfield, Illinois to pikc him up, and then took him to St Louis for the next leg of his journey! He will be travelling for just over twelve hours today, and we had him for the third leg- just over an hour long. Snoopy went a litle crazy (of course) but he setled down . Chip and Tasha made friends, and everyone slept while WHN drove. We had fun helping a fellow dchsie get to his furrever home- hope his new pawrents let him blog!
We have just returned home from our newest adventure! That's right, we just did one leg of a DRNA transport for one lucky dachshund named NEMO! He is going to his furever home in Oklahoma, but his foster home was in Illinois! Nemo is a standard black and tan boy and WHN loved him- she reminded her of The Thai Master! We drove to Litchfield, Illinois to pikc him up, and then took him to St Louis for the next leg of his journey! He will be travelling for just over twelve hours today, and we had him for the third leg- just over an hour long. Snoopy went a litle crazy (of course) but he setled down . Chip and Tasha made friends, and everyone slept while WHN drove. We had fun helping a fellow dchsie get to his furrever home- hope his new pawrents let him blog!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
It is OFFICIAL!!!!!
the Dachsies With Moxie (Chip and Tasha) have a wonderful
announcement! Yes, you guessed- WHN and Dad have failed yet again at
being foster parents and we wish to welcome His Snoopyness into the
DWM pack officially!
has thrived under Chip's tutelage and has warmed Tasha's heart, and
has become Dad's BDF (Best Dachshund Furever). He protects WHN while
Dad is at work and keeps us on our toes. He is very protective of
his pack and his home, and does NOT like other peeps very much. (He
is NOT a biter but a very persistent barker) The mail man fears him
as does the UPS man. Squirrels shudder as he passes by. This is
probably due to his background and we are working very hard at
changing that for him and it will take a great deal of time. He is
currently enrolled in the beginner training class at PetSmart but he
already knows that he has to repeat it- his anxiety is such that he
barks the entire class and heeds the pawrents, but not the teacher.
He is making great improvements that are easily seen each week, but
his anxiety gets the better of him and he gets spooked too easily by shadows and
off he goes on a barking tear. At night, he and Chip sleep together
in the Big Bed, guarding WHN from all enemies foreign and domestic,
and he takes his duties as Senior Security Consultant at Dachshund Security, LLC seriously. His
allergies are under control, but all we need to find now is a
training treat that will not make him sick to his stomach or cause an
allergic reaction.
Blogville is aware, we had to leave our home in Ohio and move to St
Louis when Dad was hired by the MetroLink rail system. While we have
lived here for just over six months, the house in Ohio remains unsold,
and we are paying rent and utilities here in Missouri and the
mortgage and utiities in Ohio. As such, WHN and Dad are having
trouble coming up with the 275.00 needed for Snoopy's adoption fees
and we are asking Blogville for help.
is going to sponsor a raffle for an original Frankie Furter quilt, 45
x 45 inches in size, colors of your choosing and of course with a
portrait of the winning Blogville resident on it. Tickets will be
2.00 a piece, or six for ten dollars, via PayPal or the Chipin on the
blog. IF you prefer to send check, money order or cash, please email
WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com with the relevant info.
raffle will run from March 1st
through March 15th, with our beloved former Mayor, Frankie Furter
Price, drawing the winner's name on the 17th
of March. The quilt will be sent to the winner by the end of April.
the raffle raises more money than is needed to pay Snoopy's adoption
fees, the remaining funds will be donated to DRNA, Dachshund Rescue
of North America. DRNA has been a source of great joy in our lives-
Ginger, Chip, Thai, Tasha and Snoopy have all come into our lives
from this rescue, and we know that we are the rescuees, not the
The original Frankie Furter quilt |
Monday, February 18, 2013
Valentine's Day goodies from my Muffin!
Snoopy, Chief Security Consultant with Dachshund Security, LLC reporting in! I so love living in Blogville- attended my very furst Valentines Day ball AND the Circus all in the same week! Took my girl Muffin to the ball and we danced our paws off! Her Dad gave me "THE TALK" when I arrived to pick her up, and that was after my Dad gave me THE TALK before I left. (Tasha flew off with her Shiloh and Chip was a free agent this year) The Circus was great- I really loved Sasha's cooking- am working on trying to get WHN to stock up on cornrats, but she is not listening! Learned lots of new ways to tame my stuffies from Benny and Lily, and Frankie and Ernie had even more tips! Hope we have a circus every year!
I also received my very furst package in the mail- from my Muffin! As you can see in these action shots (WHN is good for some things) Dad helped me open up the box and it smelled just like Muffin! There was a great card with her picture in it, just for me! WHN is going to get me the pawfect picture frame for it. Then there was this great lamb stuffie that I will be practicing the tricks I learned at the circus- if I can keep Tasha away from it!, Then there were the breath buster treats- have to share them with Chip and Tasha, but that is ok- they have been great a foster brother and sister, and were fine with my coming to live here as a foster- I never want to leave! THEN, the piece de resistance- my very own pawmade blankie! Muffin and her mom made this great fleece Snoopy blankie just for me and I love it! I love it so much that I no longer use the blankie that WHN made for me- who need hand made when paw made is so much better! My Muffin certainly knows how to win a guy's heart!
Don't forget to come back on Thursday- Chip and Tasha have a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! (and they are being squirrelly about it- won't even give me a hint!)
I also received my very furst package in the mail- from my Muffin! As you can see in these action shots (WHN is good for some things) Dad helped me open up the box and it smelled just like Muffin! There was a great card with her picture in it, just for me! WHN is going to get me the pawfect picture frame for it. Then there was this great lamb stuffie that I will be practicing the tricks I learned at the circus- if I can keep Tasha away from it!, Then there were the breath buster treats- have to share them with Chip and Tasha, but that is ok- they have been great a foster brother and sister, and were fine with my coming to live here as a foster- I never want to leave! THEN, the piece de resistance- my very own pawmade blankie! Muffin and her mom made this great fleece Snoopy blankie just for me and I love it! I love it so much that I no longer use the blankie that WHN made for me- who need hand made when paw made is so much better! My Muffin certainly knows how to win a guy's heart!
great gifts hidden in the box |
My new favorite stuffie- needs taming! |
OPening my card from Muffin! |
Chip checking out the treats that Muffin made |
Muffin made this for me- it smells just like her! |
My very own paw made Muffin original! |
Snackilicious! |
Only crumbs! |
Snoopy time! |
Don't forget to come back on Thursday- Chip and Tasha have a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! (and they are being squirrelly about it- won't even give me a hint!)
Saturday, February 16, 2013
The CIRCUS is here- Blogville's very own and FURST CIRCUS!

ADMISSION TICKETS (fundraising for Sallie and Turien
and Marg's Animals) are now
on sale at the circus blog ... get yours today, or donate thru February 22.
Tickets to enter the Big Top are $1.00 (each view or attempt),
or 10 for $9.00.
Note: Use the CHIP-IN (good world-wide for donations),
and all funds raised will be distributed after the Circus Tents
are all packed up and on their way.
Here's all the fun you'll find under the Big Top!
Remember, just $1.00 for each, or 10 for $9.00
There are two (2) Comment-A-Thon Baskets ...
Pip's Basket will go to the blogger who leaves the MOST comments on
the Kissing Booth. The Circus Basket will go to that blogger who leaves
the MOST comments overall during the two-days under the Big Top.
And the Ringmaster wants to call
your attention to all
the SIDE SHOW Events ~
FREE to view and enjoy at these blogs! Don't miss them!
FUReak Show, by Sheldon and Beachnut
Carnival Foods,by Chef Sasha
Carnival Rides, by Sallie
Clowns, by Turien
OUTDOOR Stuffie Taming, by Benny and Lily
INDOOR Tent Stuffie Taming, by Frankie and Ernie
We had Molly the Magnificent read our tea leaves and she was dead on! Have you tried Sasha's tasty delights? (we are on the lookout for squirrel on a stick- has anyone seen Puddles and Pip?) Did you see what Benny and Lily did with their stuffie taming act? did you see what Ernie and Frnakie did? NO???? Rush on over NOW and have fine- this is the GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH and ends today!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Happy Valentine's Day AND WHN's entry in the Hugs and Kisses Blog Hop
![]() |
Muffin and Snoopy arriving at the Blogville Valentine's Day Ball |
Table runner/mat |
Next up are the Snoopy inspired placemats and cocktail napkins that we forced her to make for our girlfriends and boyfriends in BLogville! Snoopy is gifting Miss Muffin a red dog bone placemat and her sister Lily Belle a pink dogbone placemat, while Tasha is gifting her Beagle beau Shiloh with a red placemat and his sister, Miss Shasta a pink one! (we hope they don't mind the photos being posted early- their packages are due to arrive in the mail sometime today!). The cocktail napkins were made at Jackmans' during the free monthly Serger sewing class- this is only the second serger class WHN has attended and she is slowly getting over her fear of sergers! Maybe one is in her future?
Tasha and Shiloh are also celebrating their furst anniversary as a couple! Just last year, Shiloh had the courage to take both Tasha and her sister, Angel Ginger to last year's BLogville extravaganza!
The bone shaped placemats are inspired by the Christmas gift that Jazzi and Addy gave the DWM in the 2012 Blogville gift exchange- WHN loves them and has yet to post the photos of these gifts but promises to do so tomorrow!
As you can see, WHN loves dachshunds and was able to score a dachshund candy dish from us at Target and Dad got the coffee mug from us-
Now the rest of the ladies participating in today's extravaganza of quilting goodness are listed below- please visit them and leave a comment- there is a giveaway going on and commenters are included- just ask Newby's mom over at Simpatico Dreams - she won last year for commenting! It takes a lot of courage to show off your quilting/crafting skills on the internet!
Thursday February 14th
Placemats and napkins for Muffin |
Placemats and napkins for Shiloh, from Tasha |
Happy Valentine's Day Muffin! |
Happy Valentine's Day Shiloh! |
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The CIRCUS is coming

ADMISSION TICKETS (fundraising for Sallie and Turien
and Marg's Animals) are now
on sale at the circus blog ... get yours today, or donate thru February 22.
Tickets to enter the Big Top are $1.00 (each view or attempt),
or 10 for $9.00.
Note: Use the CHIP-IN (good world-wide for donations),
and all funds raised will be distributed after the Circus Tents
are all packed up and on their way.
Here's all the fun you'll find under the Big Top!
Remember, just $1.00 for each, or 10 for $9.00
There are two (2) Comment-A-Thon Baskets ...
Pip's Basket will go to the blogger who leaves the MOST comments on
the Kissing Booth. The Circus Basket will go to that blogger who leaves
the MOST comments overall during the two-days under the Big Top.
And the Ringmaster wants to call
your attention to all
the SIDE SHOW Events ~
FREE to view and enjoy at these blogs! Don't miss them!
FUReak Show, by Sheldon and Beachnut
Carnival Foods,by Chef Sasha
Carnival Rides, by Sallie
Clowns, by Turien
OUTDOOR Stuffie Taming, by Benny and Lily
INDOOR Tent Stuffie Taming, by Frankie and Ernie
NOW ~ Attention All ~ PLEASE
Spread the word! Post any or all of this
(feel free to copy and paste) to your own blog.
ROAR on Facebook. ROAR on Twitter. ROAR to your email friends.
It's all in good fun ~ all for a good cause (well, 3 of them actually).
Attached is an image to promote the Blogville Circus,
feel free to use it. And a few other images anyone
can use. Thank You all.
Questions? Email them to: frankiefurter@wildblue.net
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