
Friday, November 30, 2012

Today is the Day- the BIG REVEAL on the Holiday Lane Blog Hop

 Today is the BIG Day for WHN!  Now, due to all sorts of mechanical / Gremlin issues (insert long drawn out hacking cough here)  WHN's latest monsterpiece is posted at another blog site and the link is here in the list!:  
Friday November 30
Dora Quilts ( not up yet) 
Quilting, Sewing Granny ( not up yet) 
Please be sure to visit these ladies- their artistry is second to none!  
Now about WHN's creation- She had intended to make a Weiner Wonderland wallhanging for our sewing room, but she destroyed the BabyLock on MOnday.  Then she decided to make a table runner with other fabrics, and broke her Janome on Tuesday!  THEN her Dell computer went kafloey and won't read the SD card from her camera, so the photos at the above link are from her iPhone are are very blurry- please overlook her obvious mechanical/technological shortcomings you now know what we have to deal with on a daily basis!  Back to her project- since Weiner Wonderland was out, the table runner was to be tribute to our friends who went to the RAinbow Bridge this year.  We hope you like what she attempted to creat in memory of our beloved ones waiting for us, pain free and happy, tails wagging as they wait for us.

Also, due to the photo uploading issues with Blogger, WHN started a Wordpress blog so that she can, in future, upload her photos for all to see_ please save the link and bookmark it for future use:

When new photos are posted there, WHN will post a link here for you to use, for your convenience.  We apologize for this, but Blogger is being squirrel butted again and we cannot figure out what to do to fix this!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Aunt Cindy, we are ON THE WAY!

OMD!  DO you know what WHN did today?  She needs her meds NOW!!!!  She BROKE her JANOME sewing machine one day after she broke her BabyLock!  AND her Singer that was handed down to her by Aunt Regina is also broken (it broke last year and was supposed to go to the shop for repairs when Dad got a new job, but since we moved here, WHN put it off until January or February) Chip and I are packed and heading out for New York right now!  The HBO, Showtime and Cinemax words were too much for my poor little ears- what am I supposed to do?  We are starting to think that WHN is jinxing everything! HELP!!!!!  And, she was almost done with her entry for Friday- somehow she is going to take a picture of an unfinished pillow/table topper, and expect everyone to use their imaginations- Puleeze! 

Updated 0614 CST-   Dad went into work early today and when WHN lamented over her broken machines, he suggested that she do some HOUSEWORK!    We told Dad that he hates sleeping on the couch and so do we- you should have seen the look WHN gave him!  First it was the stunned look that Ralphie gave Santa in "A Christmas Story" about getting a football for Christmas.  THEN you should have seen the dirty look she gave him- we ran and hid in the sewing room until we knew it was safe to come out! The "H" word is even worse than an HBO word to WHN!  Now look what you have done Dad- we have to be home with her all day while you are running the Metro signals department in St Louis!  HELP!!!!!

Tasha, Queen of the Urban Jungle

Tasha here- WHN is out and about again, driving us crazy as usual, but what she did to me yesterday takes the cake!  She took me to the VET to have my teeth cleaned and left me there!  How dare she! Only had one tooth pulled, and my back xrayed, but I have a skin infection common to small dogs and am on medication for that! I showed WHN- I pooped all over my blanket while at the vet and she had to wear me in my sling for six hours last night!  I got up early this morning and packed my things- Aunt Cindy and Millie have lots of room for me, that I know and no more VET visits!

While I was abandoned to my fate, Chip told me that there were LOTS of HBO, Showtime and Cinemax words coming out of the sewing room - WHN's Baby Lock broke again while she was in the middle of making her Holiday Lane BLog Hop entry for Friday- now she has to think (which she doesn't know how to do) and come up with something else to make!  (She certainly learned a lot of those words while she was in the Army and then a criminal investigator- apparently she did NOT forget any of them either) 

Poor Dad- he got no rest with all of her running around like a chicken without its head again- first he had to work the night shift for a week then had to go in twice on Thanksgiving because the manager on call  wasn't answering his phone!  DAD used HBO words too- but he is allowed to as far as we are concerned.  Then we got dragged out for Black Friday again- we got stuck in the car in our plaid car coats, while WHN and Dad did secret things!  Once we got home, we helped "unpack" the bags!  I untied the Cabellas bag and got out the skunk/badger toy that Santa put in there for me!  WHN and Dad still can't figure out how I untied the bag or even knew the badger was in there, but he is learning not to mess with Tasha, Queen of the Unstuffed Stuffed Squeaky Toys!

Saturday we had more errands to run, but Sunday we stayed on the couch watching movies with Dad!  Yesterday I barely survived the trauma but today I have my revenge!  I am currently ensconced in my morning sling, being adored and waited upon- now if WHN would just lose my medication!  Last night I kept spitting it out and she found it this morning so she gave it to me gain and used a syringe of water to make sure it went down and stayed down- she is getting sneaky!

We finished up our Christmas Cards and have received at least six to WHN's 0!  

Have to get my packing done- I hear Aunt Cindy makes a good turkey and I need to hit the road soon- my backup sling is already in my bag!

Would have posted a cute picture of me teaching the badger a lesson, but Google is being butt headed and saying that I am over the limit!  

Monday, November 26, 2012

Days 2, 3 and 4 of our Holiday Lane blog hop!

Sorry for being AWOL since Wednesday afternoon!  The DWM have kept me on my toes, Geoff had to work the night shift all last week AND Thanksgiving, which was an unpleasant surprise especially for him, and the pack hit the Black Friday and weekend sales at Cabelas, Joanns, Sears - we did well at Joann's and Cabellas, not as well as usual at Sears, but Geoff scored some great outdoor lights at True Value Hardware!

Today is Day 4 of our current blog hop and I will be including the links for Day 2 and Day 3 first- these ladies have all outdone themselves with this pillow pattern from Jillily Studio!  

95 blog hoppers have been working hard on their Holiday Lane projects.  Thank you Madam Samm, Sew We Quilt and Jill Finley, Jillilly Studio.

Thank you Pauline from Quilt N Queen for being our hostess with the mostess and our blog hop cheerleader!!

Now, on with the big reveal!  
DAY 2  - Thursday 22 November

Thursday November 22

                                                               Hallbrook Designs

Day 3 Friday 23 November 2012

Friday November 23
Today's inspiration comes from 11 more talented ladies
let's do some cheering....

 TODAY DAY 4-   26 November 2012
 Monday November 26
From This to That-will be up at 7 a.m.
                                                                  Till We Quilt Again
                                                               13 Woodhouse Road
Don't forget to visit all of these super talented ladies and give them a big BLogville hello!  If you leave a comment, you are entered into a drawing! Newy, Milo and Dixie's mom won for leaving comments during the Pets on Quilts bloghop back in August!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

BLOG HOP ALERT! Holiday Lane Pillow BLog Hop starts TODAY!

That's right Blogville- today is the start of our second blog hop!  Madame Samm has struck again and we are hiding in fear for our lives!  WHN will be debuting her work on the 30th so Blogville can breathe a sigh of relief!

Today's pawticipants have some great pillows and wall hangings for your perusal and they are fabulous! 

Wednesday November 21
                                                                    Jane's Quilting

The entire schedule is here- so enjoy!

The Long and Short of it All: A Dachshund Dog News Magazine: IVDD Dachshund Walks Again After Nose Cell Transpl...

The Long and Short of it All: A Dachshund Dog News Magazine: IVDD Dachshund Walks Again After Nose Cell Transpl...:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

IVDD Dachshund Walks Again After Nose Cell Transplant

Meet Jasper. He's an English Black and Tan that was suffering with a spinal injury and unable to use his back legs. His owners volunteered him for a trial at Cambridge University to see whether cells from a dog's nose can improve the nerve connections in its spine. Doctors found that the olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs) support nerve fiber growth connecting the nose to the brain and can also regenerate nerve fibers in damaged spinal cords. After six months of walking on a treadmill, Jasper's owners say he now "whizzes around the house." Researchers hope that this might lead to advancement toward a cure for human spinal-cord injuries.
Read more, and see a longer, better video at BBC News.
Remember, if your Dachshund shows signs and symptoms of back issues, or goes completely down where they can't walk, there are options out there! Take your dog to your vet immediately, and listen to the good advice offered at Dodgerslist, your Dachshund disc disease/IVDD resource. There's always a link to them in the links column on your right. They have a very active discussion list, and are real pros when it comes to offering advice for IVDD Dachshunds and general Dachshund health.
Thanks to all the good folks who sent in links to this exciting news in the world of Dachshunds, who often fall prey to back issues or IVDD, intervertebral disc disease. We got so many dozens of emails on this that we can't even thank everyone personally.  But we're hoping to post some great pics we got of these News Hounds tomorrow.  Stay Tuned Dachshund Lovers.

Jasper the paralysed dog that is walking again

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Frankie is in Trouble!

You heard it here first- our beloved Furst Mayor, Frankie Furter Price is in BIG TROUBLE!  He is entered in a contest to be in Blogville's very first calendar, called the Dogs of Blogville Calendar and he is dead last in the voting!  Voting ends on 24 November 2012, so click on the link once every 24 hours and VOTE FOR FRANKIE-  he just has to be in this calendar!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad

 Today is our Dad's 43rd birthday!  We are giving him his gifts tonight when he gets home from work, but WHN gave him hers this morning- A Christmas Story pajama set!  We have posted a LOT of photos from our past year- all of Anna Rose and her devoted slave-  the love that they had for each other was beautiful to see and we all miss her terribly, Dad the most- he is lost without her.  (Her ashes are home now and are on his bedside table- he has her close by) 


Her first sit by self!

Her birthday last year

Their first ever photo together- WHN knew there would be trouble ahead!

Cleveland Religious Freedom March

Memorial Day 2012- learning how to cook!

Father's Day 2012

Look of ADoration

Rainbow Bridge walk 24 June 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Today is the Day- the BIG Reveal- UR Pricelss BLog Hop FINAL DAY!!!!!

 Is Blogville ready?  Mayor Frankie, will you please tell Ernestine and Francine to settle down so everyone can see?  Really, one would think that the cousins of our very Furst Mayor would behave for such an impawtant occasion!  Where is Sarge, our Chief of Pawlice?  Puddles, the beer and cheetohs will have to wait- and no you may NOT hang from the Gateway Arch until after the unveiling!  Yes, your BFF Mr. Geoff will be taking you to all of the Bud Light factories and bottling plants in ST Louis so that you can start your Super Dachshund duties of ensuring the world has enough beer!  Just remember to wear your safety capeWhere are Goose and Bert when you need them most?  Amber, you may NOT take the Weinermobile away from Max and go driving along the Mississippi River again!  Shiloh, stop passing notes to your girlfriends Tasha and Peaches! Lily Belle, Muffin and Millie, stop the conga line this instant! 

OK, here we go!  Now all of Blogville knows that we keep What's Her Name (WHN) chained up in her sewing room, allowing her out only to feed us and walk us.  When Dad (Mr. Geoff, Puddles' BFF and drinking buddy) was laid off last year, she started sewing and quilting again, and also started following quilting blogs ( just to keep out of our furs)  This year has been very challenging for WHN ( and not just because she is off her meds)  Since April of this year, we lost three of the Dachsies With Moxie in six months, Dad got a new job after a year of being unemployed, and we had to move from Ohio to Missouri!  Say that quickly three times!  Anyway, on one of WHN's favorite quilt blogs there was a purse blog hop being advertised.  WHN signed up, not ever having made a purse before, nor having pawticipated in a blog hop either- we of course knew she was nuts, but she gave it a try anyway!  She decided to be "creative"  (insert very loud hacking cough here!)  and used the leftover scraps from the Kerazy Lady's table runner (photo included so that you can see what fabrics would be used)  She cut and pieced a largish square of muslin with these scraps, and proceeded to cut out her pattern pieces (and of course forgot to take pictures of this- we told her that  no one would be interested and to move it- we needed feeding!) .  She used iron-on batting to give the purse body and lined it with a great hot pink fabric.  Sewing the four pieces together were relatively easy for WHN- very few HBO words were heard, so don't worry about that!  The problem was the hand sewing of the purse frame!  WHN had not taken into account the extra thickness that her pieced fabric would cause her- thankfully she only ended breaking her thread and not a needle!  She was pleased with her first purse and uses it for change and it resides on her dresser- we think that the money inside should be used for our treats- don't you agree?  Then terror struck our household- WHN had a Brilliant Idea!  (RUN for your lives!  We hid under the covers for days when this occurred! Tasha is still losing her gawjus black fur over the shock)  WHN was determined to master the purse pattern and the handles, so she made another purse!  AND she fussy cut the pieces from a great fabric she found at Jackman's,  hot pink with a Keep on Quilting Rosie the Riveter motif!  (Yes, dear blog readers, WHN is out of control again- please send emergency meds NOW!). This purse went together quite nicely- even the points on the bottom matched!  On top of that,  this time she used upholstery thread for hand sewing the purse frame to the body and it worked so much better- the thread did not break and nothing is going to take that frame off!  WHN liked it so much that she is going to resew the handle on her first purse and use the upholstery thread on all future purses.  So, please enjoy the photos of WHN's first venture into the world of purses and please visit the other ladies who are sharing their handiwork on this momentous occasion!  (BTW, the pink Rosie the Riveter purse is now in Canada, a gift to the fabulous Madame Samm, who inspired the blog hop and keeps WHN out of our furs- for that alone, she should be receiving daily shipments of gold and diamonds!)  


Here is the lineup of the rest of today's participants in the blog hop- please visit all of them and give them a BLogville hello and welcome!

Day 7 - Nov. 13

Julia P
Dachsies With Moxie
Marci Girl Designs
The Sunflower Patch
Wish upon a star
Mary on Lake Pulaski
Greco Mara
Linda M
Mack and Mabel
Dreaming in Patchwork
Judith Handmade Treasures
Caesarea Scrappers
Patchouli Moon Studio

Sew We Quilt

UR Prcieless BLog Hop- Day 6!

Today is the penultimate day for this blog hop- please visit all of these talented ladies and enjoy their creativity!  WHN certainly has been overwhelmed with it!
Day 6 - Nov. 12`
Read, quilt, cook, pray...
The Learning Curve
Bacon Then Eggs
Nati's Little Things
by Mary
Feltfree på Åsly
El Patchwork de la Abuela
Amy's Crafty Shenanigans
Maryjo J
s.o.t.a.k. Handmade
Janice M
throw a wench in the works
Everyone Deserves a Quilt
A Stitch in Time
Sew Me Something Good  (our cheerleader and wait till you see her purses!)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

UR Prcieless BLog Hop- Day 4!

Today is Day 4 on our journey into the Land of the Coin Purse!  Madame Samm, a great Canadian quilter, who blogs at Sew We Quilt, and Katherine, a fellow Canadian quilter extraordinaire, who blogs at, are the talent and the brains behind this venture.  While the pawticipants cannot share the how tos on the creation of these puyrses ( we took a blood oath), the pattern created by Mdm Samm, is available for purchase here. 

Here are today's pawticipants (and remember to visit them and give them all a BLogville hello, and vote for them!  WHN's purses will be seen on Tuesday 13 November  so do not forget to come back for that)

Day 4 - Nov. 8th
as sweet as peaches
Deborah B
Birgit H
Fish Creek Studio
A Quilter's Table
Lily Patch Quilts
Cherry Blossoms Quilting Studio
Mary F
Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm
The Desert Rat Chronicles
Sally K
Paris at a Certain Age
From Blank Pages
Quilt Taffy
Barb H