The 30 Best Quotes From The 2012 Republican Convention
Written By : John Hawkins
August 31, 2012
30) “Self esteem comes from achievements. Not from lax standards and false praise.” — Condi Rice
29) “Tonight that American flag is still there on the moon. And I don’t doubt for a second that Neil Armstrong’s spirit is still with us: that unique blend of optimism, humility and the utter confidence that when the world needs someone to do the really big stuff, you need an American.” — Mitt Romney
28) “(My father) stood behind a bar in the back of the room all those years, so one day I could stand behind a podium in the front of a room. That journey, from behind that bar to behind this podium, goes to the essence of the American miracle — that we’re exceptional not because we have more rich people here. We’re special because dreams that are impossible anywhere else, come true here.” — Marco Rubio
27) “Fifty-five years ago, when my dad was a penniless teenager, thank God some well-meaning bureaucrat didn’t put his arm around him and say ‘let me take care of you.’” –- Ted Cruz.
26) “None of us have to settle for the best this administration offers – a dull, adventureless journey from one entitlement to the next, a government-planned life, a country where everything is free but us.” — Paul Ryan
25) “And on a personal note – a little girl grows up in Jim Crow Birmingham – the most segregated big city in America – her parents can’t take her to a movie theater or a restaurant – but they make her believe that even though she can’t have a hamburger at the Woolworth’s lunch counter – she can be President of the United States and she becomes the Secretary of State. Yes, America has a way of making the impossible seem inevitable in retrospect. But of course it has never been inevitable – it has taken leadership, courage and an unwavering faith in our values.” — Condi Rice
24) “With all their attack ads, the President is just throwing away money…and he’s pretty experienced at that.” — Paul Ryan
23) “The only just government is the government that serves its citizens, not itself.” — Cardinal Timothy Dolan
22) “President Obama has thrown allies like Israel under the bus, even as he has relaxed sanctions on Castro’s Cuba. He abandoned our friends in Poland by walking away from our missile defense commitments, but is eager to give Russia’s President Putin the flexibility he desires, after the election. Under my administration, our friends will see more loyalty, and Mr. Putin will see a little less flexibility and more backbone.” — Mitt Romney
21) “They’ve got a Jobs Council that never meets. A Democratic Senate that doesn’t act. A President who doesn’t believe and a Vice President who won’t stop talking. They just don’t get it.” — Tom Stemberg
20) “Here is their plan. Whistle a happy tune while driving us off a fiscal cliff as long as they are behind the wheel of power when we fall.” — Chris Christie
19) “I read somewhere that Mitt and I have a ‘storybook marriage.’ Well, in the storybooks I read, there were never long, long, rainy winter afternoons in a house with five boys screaming at once. And those storybooks never seemed to have chapters called MS or Breast Cancer. A storybook marriage? No, not at all. What Mitt Romney and I have is a real marriage.” — Ann Romney
18) “I’ve come to realize that Barack Obama is the tattoo president. Like a big tattoo, it seemed cool when you were young. But later on, that decision doesn’t look so good, and you wonder: what was I thinking? But the worst part is you’re still going to have to explain it to your kids.” — Tim Pawlenty
17) “(Obama) hasn’t been working to earn reelection, he’s been working to earn a spot on the PGA tour!” — Mitch McConnell
16) “You see, Mr. President – real leaders don’t follow polls. Real leaders change polls.” — Chris Christie
15) “The man assumed office almost four years ago – isn’t it about time he assumed responsibility?” — Paul Ryan
14) “My working poor parents told me that I could do better. They taught me that I was as good as anybody else. And it never occurred to them to tell me that I could just rest comfortably and wait for good old Uncle Sugar to feed me, lead me and then bleed me.” — Mike Huckabee
13) “It all started off with stirring speeches, Greek columns, the thrill of something new. Now all that’s left is a presidency adrift, surviving on slogans that already seem tired, grasping at a moment that has already passed, like a ship trying to sail on yesterday’s wind.” — Paul Ryan
12) “You know there is something wrong with the kind of job he has done as president when the best feeling you had was the day you voted for him.” — Mitt Romney
11) “They believe in teachers’ unions. We believe in teachers.” — Chris Christie
10) “You, me…we own this country. Politicians are employees of ours….And when somebody does not do the job, we got to let them go.” — Clint Eastwood
9) “When you hear the party that glorified Occupy Wall Street blast success; when you hear them minimize the genius of the men and women who make jobs out of nothing, is that what you teach your children about work?” — Artur Davis
8) “Mom and Dad were married 64 years. And if you wondered what their secret was, you could have asked the local florist – because every day Dad gave Mom a rose, which he put on her bedside table. That’s how she found out what happened on the day my father died – she went looking for him because that morning, there was no rose.” — Mitt Romney
7) “Ronald Reagan used to say America was a city on a hill. Under Obama, America is becoming a tent city with people waiting in line for government handouts.” – Yash Wadhwa
6) “Barack Obama’s failed us. But look, it’s understandable. A lot of people fail at their first job.” — Tim Pawlenty
5) “Well I’m sure now that the press is going to tell you (Mitt Romney) isn’t perfect. Now my friends for the past four years, we’ve tried the one that the press thought was perfect and that hasn’t worked out all that well for us.” — Mike Huckabee
4) “The EPA is now the ‘Employment Prevention Agency.’” — Bob McDonnell
3) “In 1923 there were no government benefits for immigrants except one: Freedom!” — Rick Santorum
2) “President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. MY promise…is to help you and your family.” — Mitt Romney
1) “The Democrats say we ought to give Barack Obama credit for trying. That sounds like the nonsense of giving every kid a trophy for showing up. Friends, we’re talking about leading the country, not playing on a third-grade soccer team! I realize this is the man who got a Nobel Peace Prize for what he would potentially do, but in the real world, you get the prize for producing something, not just promising it.” — Mike Huckabee
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Guest Post! "What is Your DOg's Poo Telling You!"
A few weeks ago, WHN received an email from a writer at asking if WHN would allow a guest post on our blog. We of course said yes, as we though that it would be a great idea! Below is the original email and following the email is the article itself. We are not being compensated in any way simply wanted to get the word out and also to help this budding writer!
1) Hi!
Just stopping by and saying that you have an awesome blog! My name is Kaitlin Falatovich and I am a content writer for
I was looking at pet blogs when I came across yours, and let me just
say, it made my day! Really enjoyed all of the pictures of the quilts.
They were absolutely amazing!
Hope you are having a great day, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
-Kaitlin Falatovich
What Is Your Dog’s Poo Telling You?
Doggie parents love their children;
there is no doubt about that. But the last thing any parent wants to
do is examine doggie poop! Admit it folks, as soon as your precious
pup is done doing their business, you quickly scoop it up and dispose
of it. Right?
But what some parents don’t know is
that your dog’s poop can serve as a warning for possible
disorders/infections that they might have. * Various factors such as
the color, texture, and amount that your dog goes a day are ways to
see if there is a problem.
First, the color of the poop can be a big factor in
determining if your dog may have some type of health problem. Light,
whiteish waste could be a warning sign for liver disease. Because
your dog cannot produce enough bile to break down food properly, not
all the nutrients that your dog is taking in are being used. Also, if
the stool is grey terrible smelling it can also be a sign of poor
If your dog is experiencing waste that is black in color, that could
indicate internal bleeding/internal bleeding of the upper digestive
tract. These types of stools are some of the most dangerous. Also a
cause for distress is bloody stool. This can be evidence that there
is bleeding in the colon. If you see this type of stool, DON’T
FREAK OUT! First backtrack and try to remember what your dog has
eaten in the couple days. It may be something that they have
consumed. After that, regardless of what your findings are, consult a
vet just to be safe!
Something else to look for in your pooch’s poo is consistency.
If you’re the stools look watery or loose, it is can be the sign of
a bowel irritation/infection. The looser that the stool is, the most
advanced the infection is.
If it seems to be a little mushy, this can be a sign that your dog has a food allergy or intestinal parasites. If you consult a vet and they rule out any time of parasites but the stool continues to look that way, try testing your dog for food allergies.
If it seems to be a little mushy, this can be a sign that your dog has a food allergy or intestinal parasites. If you consult a vet and they rule out any time of parasites but the stool continues to look that way, try testing your dog for food allergies.
And finally if the food is in relatively that same shape it was
when it was feed to the dog, this might be a sign that your dog is
These factors along others can turn your dog’s poo into a crystal
ball waiting for you to look into it. Taking a few seconds before
tossing your pups poop into the trash could help prevent a serious
illness from getting worse.
Kaitlin Falatovich is a college student/content writer for
She is pursuing her bachelor’s degree and receiving many
professional accolades in the process. For more articles like this
one, click here.
*It is always good to consult your
Veterinarian about problems that your pet may have. This article is
only a way for a pet owner to take precautions. Do not take it into
your own hands. It can be dangerous for your pooch!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
We got MAIL!
our backyard neighbor, Barney |
It has been quite hot here- in the mid 90s and the AC hasn't worked since we moved in! It was repaired last week and broke again and a repairman was unable to come until yesterday and can't fix it until parts are ordered! Maybe it will be fixed by next Wednesday! At least we have a floor fan and Dad bought another one last night to use in the bedroom- it has been too hot for our night time swalk but we get our morning one in! WHN and Dad are almost done emptying the card board movers boxes, and should have that done this weekend! Then they get to conquer the plastic crates! The family room/tv room is set up- now all they have left is to paint the panelling yellow to make the room look nice and bright- we spend most of our day in here and it is right next to the kitchen! WHN's sewing room is set up and now she just needs to find some of her fabrics so she can get started on the Slimmer Purrs Christmas stockings, and a couple of quilts promised for auction for the WDA and Mona and Weenie in texas, and to finally start talking/blogging and sewing the two quilts for the family in Idaho who lost 14 dachsies in that house fire back in June!
Our car goes into the shop Monday and next week both WHN and Dad get their MO drivers licenses! We have a special surprise about that to share, but not until we have photos! Tomorrow they go to Sears to have their eyes examined- maybe Sears runs a special and includes heads? Just sayin! Also, our new full size refrigerator arrives Monday!
We have been busy and have kept WHN on her toes, as you can see! At least she isn't slacking off about feeding us on time! 
signed by the Mayor and Sure Shot Jr! |
Aren't Lily Belle and Muffin GAWJUS! |
From Amber Da Weenie and Max and the rest of the pack! |
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tasha Loves Shiloh!
Look at what Shiloh sent Tasha last night! He has been verry worried since our new town seems to be Beaglemania- there are beagles everywhere! No need to fear, Shiloh, Tasha lets these other beagles know that her heart belongs to you!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Happy 2nd Anniversary!!!!!
Two years ago today, all of Blogville witnessed the joining in matrimony of our beloved Mayor, Frankie Furter, and those Canadian beauties, the Mesdames Ruby and Penny Furter. Happy 2nd Anniversary and may you be blessed with milk bones galore!
Monday, August 20, 2012
We the DWM have been settling in nicely into our new neighborhood- lots of other dogs but no other dachsies for us to meet. Yesterday we took the peeps on a swalk around the neighborhood (that is a sniff walk to the uninitiated) and introduced ourselves to all and sundry. After we got home (Dad carried Anna Rose for the last half of the walk- she was glistening and panting- girls don't do either!), we met our backyard neighbor- a huge male Beagle! Tasha went crazy thinking that her beloved Shiloh had flown in to surprise her, but it seems that Shiloh has competition. Tasha had gotten herself so worked up over the beagle, whose name we still don't know, that WHN had to carry her inside to chill out. Yikes- what will Shiloh do now? We spent the rest of the day exploring the house looking for new napping spots and snoopervising the unpacking of the boxes- the kitchen is almost done! WHN needs more supervision than ever! Dad had to go into work this morning at 4 AM- Anna Rose and Tasha were shocked at the nerve of some people, interrupting their beauty sleep, but WHN and Chip just rolled back over and started snoring again as Dad left. She got up on time and took us for another swalk, this time Anna rode in Thai's old camouflage command post while Tasha and Chip let the neighborhood know who was in charge. Then breakfast and a morning snooze.
WHN would like to thank BLogville for voting for her quilts in the Pets on Quilts contest- she did not win in either category but some great dogs and cats did win. BLOGVILLE does have a winner- Newby, MIlo and Dixie's mom Shelle of Simpatico Dreams won a collection of toys, just for voting!
Please click on the link above and congratulate the winners- and invite them to join us in Blogville!
WHN would like to thank BLogville for voting for her quilts in the Pets on Quilts contest- she did not win in either category but some great dogs and cats did win. BLOGVILLE does have a winner- Newby, MIlo and Dixie's mom Shelle of Simpatico Dreams won a collection of toys, just for voting!
Please click on the link above and congratulate the winners- and invite them to join us in Blogville!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
We're Back! Meet us in St Louis!
We survived! What a move!- the packers took two days to box up all of WHn's stuff and the loaders put it all on the van last Friday and we left Ohio at 4:15 that afternoon, arriving at our hotel in St Louis at 2:30 the next morning. We went to Dad's new office on Saturday and then went to our new house and spent some time there! We love the new house that Dad found for us! The car was packed to the gills and WHN did most of the driving since Dad worked so hard for us! He held the girls while she drove and Chip helped her drive! The basement is huge! two separate sections and a storage room! WHN drove us to the house early MOnday, around 7 and the moving van was already here! The driver had spent the night in the van! He had a beautiful Australian Shepherd dog with him, and he knew all about being "owned"! The truck was unloaded by six o'clock that night and we were back at the hotel for one more night of fun and games- this was Anna Rose's and Tasha's first time in a hotel and they were good (Chip is an old pro at the travel game) Sunday after Mass, Dad took all of us to the Arch in St Louis- it is HUGE! Next weekend we are scoping out the BUdweiser factories for Puddles!
Dad at his office |
At the Arch |
Living Room |
family room- |
kjitchen |
dining room |
our new home |
Anna was tired from all of the snoopervising |
Anna getting her first lesson in guard duty |
Friday, August 10, 2012
you voted yet? No? Well, hop on over and vote for your
favorite Pet quilt at the link- you are eligible for a pressie just for
voting! You get to vote in each of five categories- Dogs, Cats, other
pets, EQ, and Art quilts. Leave a comment at the blog, with the number
of the quilt you wish to vote for in the category- (HINT-
for the Dog category, if you were to vote for WHN, you would enter the
number 4; for the Art quilt category, you would also enter the number 4
for WHN)
BTW- this will be our last post until August 15th! The movers are on their way to load up the van (in the pouring rain!) If you need to get in touch with us, email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com
Thursday, August 9, 2012
It is time to VOTE
Have you voted yet? No? Well, you have to hop on over and vote for your favorite Pet quilt at the link- you are eligible for a pressie just for voting! You get to vote in each of five categories- Dogs, Cats, other pets, EQ, and Art quilts. Leave a comment at the blog, with the number of the quilt you wish to vote for in the category- (HINT- for the Dog category, if you were to vote for WHN, you would enter the number 4; for the Art quilt category, you would also enter the number 4 for WHN)
Now, go
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Daddy's Home!
Yes, Daddy is home! We got to the airport just in time to pick him up and he was so glad to see us (NOT WHN!) Anna Rose and Tasha sat on his lap on the trip home, which included a stop at Sonic for hotdogs for us and a sandwich and Limeade for WHN and Dad. Chip was glad Dad was home too- he ratted WHN out big time!
Right now the movers are here boxing all our stuff up- Dad loaded the car with most of our stuff for Friday so that it doesn't get loaded onto the moving van by accident!
PSA- Don't forget to vote in the Pets on Quilts 2012 contest- Voting starts TOMORROW August 9th and it is ONE VOTE per person- WHN is entered in two categories- Dogs on Quilts AND Art Quilts- She entered Sarge's quilt in the ART and Dogs on Quilts Categories AND the WDA Army quilt is entered into the Art Quilt Category. All of the other quilts she is entereing are for the Dogs on Quilts category. Head on over and see some beautiful pets on quilts! invite the quilters to join Blogville-
Right now the movers are here boxing all our stuff up- Dad loaded the car with most of our stuff for Friday so that it doesn't get loaded onto the moving van by accident!
PSA- Don't forget to vote in the Pets on Quilts 2012 contest- Voting starts TOMORROW August 9th and it is ONE VOTE per person- WHN is entered in two categories- Dogs on Quilts AND Art Quilts- She entered Sarge's quilt in the ART and Dogs on Quilts Categories AND the WDA Army quilt is entered into the Art Quilt Category. All of the other quilts she is entereing are for the Dogs on Quilts category. Head on over and see some beautiful pets on quilts! invite the quilters to join Blogville-
This years show is bigger and better than ever! Fabulous pets, fabulous quilts. And you can vote for
your favorites ~ if you can choose a favorite, that is!
Click on the link above ... read the announcement post and go from there.
BE SURE TO SAVE THE LINK so you can visit all the Pets on Quilts entries.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Dad is coming home!
As WHN is typing this impawtant message, our Dad is flying back to Ohio to help with the movers and, more importantly, to spoil us having neglected us for the last three weeks! He left us ALONE with WHN for three weeks- can you just imagine the trauma this horror produced in us?!
Tomorrow, the movers come to start the two days of boxing up everything, and then on Friday they load the moving van and we leave Ohio for St Louis, MO!
WHN would like to thank everyone in BLogville for their wonderful birthday wishes for both herself and for The Thai Master!
PSA- Don't forget to vote in the Pets on Quilts 2012 contest- Voting starts on August 9th and it is ONE VOTE per person !!!!! Head on over and see some beautiful pets on quilts! invite the quilters to join Blogville-
WHN would like to thank everyone in BLogville for their wonderful birthday wishes for both herself and for The Thai Master!
PSA- Don't forget to vote in the Pets on Quilts 2012 contest- Voting starts on August 9th and it is ONE VOTE per person !!!!! Head on over and see some beautiful pets on quilts! invite the quilters to join Blogville-
This years show is bigger and better than ever! Fabulous pets, fabulous quilts. And you can vote for
your favorites ~ if you can choose a favorite, that is!
Click on the link above ... read the announcement post and go from there.
BE SURE TO SAVE THE LINK so you can visit all the Pets on Quilts entries.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Today would have been The Thai Master's 16th birthday. WHN misses him terribly, as do Dad and the pack-
And today is the birthday of Blogville's very own Kerazy Lady- that's right, the Mom of our beloved Governor Puddles is celebrating her birthday today- run on over and give her your best birthday wishes!
VOTING STARTS AUGUST 9th- head on over and see some beautiful pets on quilts! invite the quilters to join Blogville-
This years show is bigger and better than ever! Fabulous pets, fabulous quilts. And you can vote for
your favorites ~ if you can choose a favorite, that is!
Click on the link above ... read the announcement post and go from there.
BE SURE TO SAVE THE LINK so you can visit all the Pets on Quilts entries.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Today is a stupendous day in BLogville- it is the Furst Birthday of Ernie, Sure Shot Jr, the brother of our beloved Mayor! We thought that last weekend was exciting, celebrating the birthday of Puddles, but NOOOOO!!!! And we are not done- today is also the birthday of WHN- She is 50!
Please don't forget to vote in the Pets On Quilts 2012 contest- voting starts on August9th and WHN is entering two categories- Dogs on quilts and the ART quilt category
Our Ernie, as a young puppy |
Please don't forget to vote in the Pets On Quilts 2012 contest- voting starts on August9th and WHN is entering two categories- Dogs on quilts and the ART quilt category
This years show is bigger and better than ever! Fabulous pets, fabulous quilts. And you can vote for
your favorites ~ if you can choose a favorite, that is!
Click on the link above ... read the announcement post and go from there.
BE SURE TO SAVE THE LINK so you can visit all the Pets on Quilts entries.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Pets on Quilts 2012- Dogs on Quilts/ Dog themed quilts and ART quilt entries
This years show is bigger and better than ever! Fabulous pets, fabulous quilts. And you can vote for
your favorites ~ if you can choose a favorite, that is!
Click on the link above ... read the announcement post and go from there.
BE SURE TO SAVE THE LINK so you can visit all the Pets on Quilts entries.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
We, the Dachsies with Moxie, have the most wonderful news to tell you! Dad found us a great home in Missouri and signed a one year lease yesterday! WHN took care of getting the utilities scheduled for turn on and the movers will be here next Wednesday and Thursday to pack everything and then on Friday load up the moving van! We will officially leave Ohio next Friday after the moving van does and will be living near St Louis, MO starting next Saturday! We will be living in FLorissant, MO and if you want our new address, email WHN!
As such, we will NOT have internet access from August 9th until August 15th, so please bear with us as we whip WHN and Dad into shape!
Please don't forget to vote for WHN and her dog and art quilts-
As such, we will NOT have internet access from August 9th until August 15th, so please bear with us as we whip WHN and Dad into shape!
Please don't forget to vote for WHN and her dog and art quilts-
This years show is bigger and better than ever! Fabulous pets, fabulous quilts. And you can vote for
your favorites ~ if you can choose a favorite, that is!
Click on the link above ... read the announcement post and go from there.
BE SURE TO SAVE THE LINK so you can visit all the Pets on Quilts entries.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Pets on Quilts 2012- Dogs on Quilts/ Dog themed quilts and ART quilt entries
ART QUILT CATEGORY- White Dog Army quilt- five American Eskimo portraits |
DOGS ON QUILTS CATEGORY- Sarge and his quilt |
ART QUILT CATEGORY- Sarge and his quilt |
Quilt inspiration for Sarge's quilt |
DOGS ON QUILTS ENTRY -MeeMoo's quilted placemat |
First up is the White Dog Army Quilt- this quilt was a labor of love, as it was commissioned right around the time of the Fearless Five fire in Texas. The mom of the WDA graciously allowed that quilt to take precedence and the WDA quilt came to life in February of 2012. Miss Sue sent WHN photos of the five WDA (There are now six WDA pack members!) and WHN and Dad went to work- searching for the perfect fabrics to match the inspirational photographs. The final quilt consisted of six portrait panels- five American Eskimo portraits and a representation of the world with the words, Dona Nobis Pacem machine quilted onto it. The main panel was then machine embroidered with five Eskimo dogs, one for each of these darlings, who are our bestest friends in the world!
Next up is the tapestry/quilt that was commissioned by the Mayor of Blogville, Frankie, of his cussin, Sarge, the Chief of Police in Blogville. Sarge is one tough hombre and it shows in his quilt. The inspiration was the header photo from his blog, and it truly does look like Sarge!
Then we have the Amber Da Weenie quilted placemat line- representing this line we have two placemats commissioned by Ruthie of K9 Katastophie- of Meemoo and Brodie. MeeMoo left us for the Rainbow Bridge this year and she is sorely missed but her placemat has been a great reminder for her peeps of her beauty. MeeMoo's quilt was a Christmas gift and Brodie's quilt was a Mother's Day gift.
Following the Amber Da Weenie quilted placemat entries is the project that started it all- the Mayor Frankie Furter Price quilt! WHN created this yellow and black quilt based upon a caricature portrait of His Honor, as a thank you to the Price family for their kindness when Dad was first laid off. She never expected the quilt to be so popular that she would be commissioned to make matching placemats for Frankie's Mom for Christmas, or the commission for the Sarge tapestry! WHN made matching pillows of both Frankie and Ernie, his little brother, to go with the placemats! THEN the Mayor himself commissioned a quilt of his lovely brides, Ruby and Penny! This blue quilt , three of the quilted placemats, and the two pillows are in the photo WHN likes to call- Where's Frankie? (Frankie's yellow quilt is now in Canada- a Christmas gift for his wives!)
The final quilt representation is a red and black quilt which was commissioned by the blogger extraordinaire behind two of our favorite blogs, Dakota's Den and Cody's Cat Chat. This red and black quilt is of two Mikis, a relatively new breed of dog and was a wedding gift for her step daughter. The subjects of the quilt are posing with the quilt in the picture.
As Blogville knows, WHN has also made other quilts in memory of those who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge- With the exception of MeeMoo, WHN chose not to show these items for the purpose of entering a contest. (MeeMoo's quilt was made as a Christmas gift and long before she crossed the Rainbow Bridge, which is why it is included here)
We hope that you enjoy these quilts and take time to vote!
Here are some links to the blogs of our friends who have received our quilts:
Amber Da Weenie
Baxter of Kalyxcornucopia
Frankie Furter Price, Mayor of Blogville
Sarge of Sarge Speaks Out
Ruby and Penny, the Furst Wives of Blogville
Cody of Cat Chat
Dakota of Dakota's Den
Oskar of Pet BLogs United
Bailey and Katie of Sheltie Times
Sugar the Golden retriever
White Dog Army (WDA)
![]() | |
MeeMoo |
![]() | |
Ernie, Frankie's little brother |
DOGS ON QUILTS ENTRY- The Mayor of Blogville and his very own quilt |
Inspiration for the very first DWM Quilt- our very own Mayor! |
DOGS ON QUILTS ENTRY- Frankie with the quilt of his wives, the pillow of his brother Ernie, his pillow and the quilted placemats that match!- Where's Frankie? |
DOGS ON QUILTS CATEGORY - Brodie of K9 Katastrophie |
![]() | |
DOGS ON QUILTS CATEGORY- Commissioned wedding gift- portrait of two Mikis! |
White Dog Army portrait and subject |
Quilt portrait (upper right) and subject |
Bashful subject and portrait- second from left |
Another WDA subject and quilt portait- middle right |
Quilt portrait and WDA member subject- bottom right |
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