Geoff and I have just returned from the vet, and we brought Ginger home for the last time. She was cremated on 23 April, and we picked up her mortal remains, and they reside on my dresser. We will be ordering her urn next month. (Her ashes came home in a wooden box with a latch and a label with her name on it)
In quilting news- WHN just finished and mailed a quilt for Caren of Dakota's Den and Cat Chat. Next up is a place mat for a repeat customer, for Mother's Day- no info or photos until after that day! Then a First Holy Communion quilt, two MOther's Day quilts for the in laws, and finally the WDA place mats!
Don't forget, the World's greatest Quilter arrives here on Thursday! We hear that Nina is coming along, but don't let her mom know!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Pawty Update!
The ladies won't be leaving until 7:30 Friday and Saturday mornings, but Dad has a PLAN! He is going to sneak everyone into the house via his train room in the back! Then when they get back, everyone is going to hide in there until they go out or to bed, then continue the pawty! The extra special chandeliers for Puddles have been ordered, and we also have three ceiling fans for her to use for practice! Ernie will be helping out with the trains!
Dad has also arranged for a Weinermobile for the chauffering of his future daughter and son in law, Amber Da Weenie and Max, to the pawty. En route, Puddles and crew, as well as Mayor Frankie and Ernie, will also be picked up- Dad did not want any trouble for his pawty peeps! It took a lot of talking and a huge bond, since Francine and Ernestine took off with the third weinermobile last February to parts unknown, but Dad pulled it off- everybuddy gets to be chauffered to and from this impawtant event in style!
Dad has also arranged for a Weinermobile for the chauffering of his future daughter and son in law, Amber Da Weenie and Max, to the pawty. En route, Puddles and crew, as well as Mayor Frankie and Ernie, will also be picked up- Dad did not want any trouble for his pawty peeps! It took a lot of talking and a huge bond, since Francine and Ernestine took off with the third weinermobile last February to parts unknown, but Dad pulled it off- everybuddy gets to be chauffered to and from this impawtant event in style!
Friday, April 27, 2012
For Puddles
Dad wanted everyone to know that his antibiotics are working! He spent most of the day and all night under the care of Nurse Anna Rose and Nurse Tasha and is currently sleeping now! He became concerned when he read yesterday's comments, and those of his drinking buddy Puddles made him antsy- he was so upset that she was so worried about him, he is extending an invitation to all of Blogville to come over for an adult beverage party next Friday and Saturday, while WHN and Blogville's WGQ are off gallivanting in Cleveland, allegedly at the machine embroidery seminar. Since he cannot indulge in adult beverages until then, his best buddy Puddles will have to finish his case of Bud Light Platinum!!!! Beer, Cheetohs, hamburgers, hotdogs and pizza will be available for our Blogville friends- WHN and WGQ have to leave around 7 AM each day, so don't show up until 7:30, so we don't get caught! Too cold for a pool party right now, but we can still have lots of fun!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Thursday- DWM family update
A week from today, Blogvile's own World's Greatest Quilter arrives for the weekend! She and WHN will be attending a two day machine embroidery seminar and keeping the DWM and Dad sane!
Last night we had to take Dad to the ER- he woke with a very rapid heartbeat and rapidly rising blood pressure- We had to stay in the car (NO FAIR) while WHN dealt with the intake people and all the other stuffs. Dad is ok though- his thyroid is a bit wonky, and he was released and he saw his regular doctor later this morning. He has a bad sinus infection and goes back in a month to have his thyroid re tested. Our doctor thinks the thyroid is acting up due to the stress of being unemployed for so long and Ginger's death last week was the last straw. He is busy napping right now, with two nurses waiting on him paw and paw- the beautiful Anna Rose and Tasha! Last night after we finally got home, Dad was snoring and Anna Rose joined in on the fun, just like Ginger did! He admitted to WHN that he had been trying to be strong for her so that she could lean on him, and she yelled at him and told him to start leaning on her! Parents! What would we do without them?
WHN would like to thank everyone in BLogville again for all of their kind words, cards and emails during this past week. Yesterday was the first day that she could look at Ginger's photo on the blog without crying or breaking down and she could also start talking about her without crying.
Last night we had to take Dad to the ER- he woke with a very rapid heartbeat and rapidly rising blood pressure- We had to stay in the car (NO FAIR) while WHN dealt with the intake people and all the other stuffs. Dad is ok though- his thyroid is a bit wonky, and he was released and he saw his regular doctor later this morning. He has a bad sinus infection and goes back in a month to have his thyroid re tested. Our doctor thinks the thyroid is acting up due to the stress of being unemployed for so long and Ginger's death last week was the last straw. He is busy napping right now, with two nurses waiting on him paw and paw- the beautiful Anna Rose and Tasha! Last night after we finally got home, Dad was snoring and Anna Rose joined in on the fun, just like Ginger did! He admitted to WHN that he had been trying to be strong for her so that she could lean on him, and she yelled at him and told him to start leaning on her! Parents! What would we do without them?
WHN would like to thank everyone in BLogville again for all of their kind words, cards and emails during this past week. Yesterday was the first day that she could look at Ginger's photo on the blog without crying or breaking down and she could also start talking about her without crying.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Prayers Needed- Rainbow Bridge Alert

Today at 4 PM, the Rainbow Bridge welcomed a new resident- April from Da Weenies of Florida pack. She just turned 11 last week and her health failed too quickly over the past ten days, and she left us too soon.
Please leave your condolences at their blog:
A gift from GINGER
Last night, our vet tech, Miss Sandy, dropped off Ginger's paw print and a tiny envelope with some of her fur. WHN was at her Women's Renewal group, and knew of the paw print, but not the fur. These treasures now reside, well wrapped up in a runner made by WHN, in her jewelry box, easily accessible. Dad cried when he got these gifts- the fur especially got to him. Ginger was taken to the mortuary yesterday afternoon after 2 PM, and her ashes will be returned to us next Monday. Dad has been busy trying to find the perfect urn for her, and she will stay in our bedroom. We have been taking it one day at a time, and while the crying has started to ease ( WHN is at least presentable to the outside world), the aching hearts have not. Anna Rose is completely lost without Ginger and is getting lots of extra Daddy and Me time. Tasha and Chip are sticking like Velcro to WHN and Thai is being Thai! Thank you for everything - the comments, posts and emails have been of great help and we could not have done this without your love and support.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Team Beaglebratz: R.I.P. My Sweet Lady Miss Ginger
Team Beaglebratz: R.I.P. My Sweet Lady Miss Ginger
This precious tribute photo is from Ginger's beau, Shiloh. Thank you.
This precious tribute photo is from Ginger's beau, Shiloh. Thank you.
Alasandra, The Cats & A Dog: Goodbye Ginger
Alasandra, The Cats & A Dog: Goodbye Ginger: Ginger from Dachsies With Moxie has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.
WHN here- thank you for this lovely tribute to my baby, Ginger. You will never know what this means to her Dad and I, as well as Chip, Thai, Tasha and Anna Rose. Thank you Blogville. Your support, here in the comments, via emails to me and /or through posts on your own blogs, have made her death easier to bear. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
WHN here- thank you for this lovely tribute to my baby, Ginger. You will never know what this means to her Dad and I, as well as Chip, Thai, Tasha and Anna Rose. Thank you Blogville. Your support, here in the comments, via emails to me and /or through posts on your own blogs, have made her death easier to bear. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Ginger ( 9 October 2000 - 19 April 2012 ) RIP
The Rainbow Bridge has a new resident tonight, as of an hour ago- my beloved Ginger. She died suddenly about an hour ago- she had not been ill but this afternoon was throwing up, but our vet did not think that it was anything more than an upset tummy due to the symptoms. I gave her a lavender bath, which she did not fight, and she slept on the chair next to me as I sewed. She slipped away from me in her sleep, and I did not even know it at the time, and I did not get to say goodbye. She will be cremated and her ashes brought home. My heart is broken and I don;t know what to do. Please pray for my beloved Ginger.
UPDATE- Ginger lived with us and was the center of What's Her Name's life for four years, one month and eleven days. She was surrendered to DRNA in November of 2007 by her elderly owner who could no longer care for her, was adopted out and then re surrendered a month later and WHN saw her on the DRNA website in February 2008. A week later, Ginger moved in and the rest was history. The hole in our hearts is huge, and the pain almost unbearable. WHN is simply lost without her shadow. Thank you for your kind words and for the posts! BTW- pink was her signature color, as it is WHNs
UPDATE 2- Ginger and my Dad both died on a Thursday, and both on the 19th_ I hope Dad is looking out for her, since they never met
UPDATE- Ginger lived with us and was the center of What's Her Name's life for four years, one month and eleven days. She was surrendered to DRNA in November of 2007 by her elderly owner who could no longer care for her, was adopted out and then re surrendered a month later and WHN saw her on the DRNA website in February 2008. A week later, Ginger moved in and the rest was history. The hole in our hearts is huge, and the pain almost unbearable. WHN is simply lost without her shadow. Thank you for your kind words and for the posts! BTW- pink was her signature color, as it is WHNs
UPDATE 2- Ginger and my Dad both died on a Thursday, and both on the 19th_ I hope Dad is looking out for her, since they never met
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Happy Birthday April!
Today is the 11th birthday of Thai, Chip and Anna Rose's future sister in law! According to her mom, MIss Linda, she is starting to eat a little and did drink on her own yesterday, and will be getting some special veterinary treats and fodables to help her recover!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Crossed Paws Needed!
The beautiful April, Uji's fiance and sister of our beloved Amber and Max of Da Weenies of Florida, is terribly ill- she has some heart issues and epilepsy, but now she has liver problems and is not eating. PLEASE PRAY FOR APRIL- her mom and dad are heartbroken at this turn in her health and so are we-
Monday, April 16, 2012
WHN is very busy this week!
Yes, we have her chained to her sewing machines, Bella and Jeannie! She has to make a quilt for a bridal shower and get it out this week- colors are red, black and white. Then she has to make six dog and cat carrier blankies for The SLimmer Pugs, four place mats for the WDA, and we forget what else! (She needs a better secretary!)
Thai is doing fine- still losing weight and getting more confused as the Cushings takes its toll on him. He is still a happy camper and his appetite has returned, thankfully! Anna Rose HATES her renal diet kibble and her Vetri Liver vitamin supplements, which we must now grate into her canned food and completely mix in so that she will deign to eat at all! (However, she will wolf down her baby carrots, which everybuddy eats now!)
Chip, Ginger and Tasha (WHN's "Bosom Buddy) are busy keeping track of WHN and are all eating up a storm! Carrots anyone?
Thai is doing fine- still losing weight and getting more confused as the Cushings takes its toll on him. He is still a happy camper and his appetite has returned, thankfully! Anna Rose HATES her renal diet kibble and her Vetri Liver vitamin supplements, which we must now grate into her canned food and completely mix in so that she will deign to eat at all! (However, she will wolf down her baby carrots, which everybuddy eats now!)
Chip, Ginger and Tasha (WHN's "Bosom Buddy) are busy keeping track of WHN and are all eating up a storm! Carrots anyone?
Saturday, April 14, 2012
V for Victory!: April 13th: Bl. Margaret of Castello, O.P.
V for Victory!: April 13th: Bl. Margaret of Castello, O.P.:
April 13, 2012
April 13th: Bl. Margaret of Castello, O.P.
The hippies of the '60s and '70s prided themselves (and some of them still pride themselves) on being "counter-cultural" just because they shunned barbers, smoked dope, wore draw-string pants and primitive jewelry, and could sit through an entire Joan Baez concert without wanting to slit their wrists. But when it comes to being counter-cultural, the spoiled, disaffected children of middle-class America have nothing on Bl. Margaret of Castello. Consider:
-- Margaret was short, hunchbacked, clubfooted and blind. She met no ideals of physical beauty, either in her own time or in ours. We, on the other hand, write off the physically ugly.
-- Margaret's parents shunned her, isolated her, imprisoned her, abused her, yet she bore it all cheerfully and patiently. Even after they abandoned her, she would not hear a word said against them. We, on the other hand, covet "victimhood" status, milking it for all it's worth; we pick constantly at the sores of injuries, real or imagined; we sue at the drop of a hat; we demand "reparations" for injustices of the distant past from the descendants of those who may or may not have had a hand in such injustices.
-- Margaret sought always to do what was right, no matter what it cost her or what other people thought of her. We, on the other hand, drop our principles as soon as they become inconvenient, or there is something to be gained by dropping them.
-- Margaret possessed a passionate nature, yet she embraced virginity. We, on the other hand, embrace immodesty, promiscuity, depravity and even unnatural acts, all while viewing virgins as objects of pity.
Margaret's was a life that today would be considered as worthless. Had she been conceived in 2012, once her obvious deformities turned up on an ultrasound, she would stand a fair chance of being suctioned out of the womb in pieces in the name of "compassion." Yet she is a beata of the Church. How many would-be great saints have we aborted and contracepted out of this world in order not to be "burdened" with them?
What a fitting patroness of Life, and against abortion and contraception, Bl. Margaret of Castello would be. Perhaps it is for just such a depraved time as this that she has waited 700 years to be raised to the altar.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
What's Her Name is acting kerazy again- worse than the Mom of Puddles!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Hoppy Eastr (a day late!)
We hope that all of our friends in BLogville had a wonderful Easter, and that our friends who are celebrating Passover have a wonderful Passover at this most holy of times of the year!
Dad is still waiting for Puddles to visit- she is obviously overcome with shame and lacks the strength for the visit- only two beers and one bag of cheetohs from the Easter Bunny? Sarge needs to get cracking on this case ASAP!
WHN's back was out again- her arthritis is getting worse even though she has lost 130 lbs! Dad has been helping with the housework and we have been busy keeping her warm! She had to miss Mass yesterday since she could barely move and she hates that! The Easter Bunny brought all of us wonderful gifts- WE got brand new hand made bones from Cynthia, Blogville's World Famous Quilter! Ginger is already working on field dressing her bone, and Anna Rose and Tasha have been trying to keep up. Chip and Thai are taking their time, sniffing at theirs and will eventually commence destruction! Dad got a Peeps Longaberger basket and WHN made him a table runner using fabric from Jazzi's Mom- Easter M & Ms (WHN has her new Baby Lock, nicknamed Bella, so don't worry about her) We had ham and potato salad that WHN made on Holy Saturday, and Dad made his famous green bean casserole! We were allowed some of the ham, and baby carrots- we LOVE ham! IT was a bit cold and damp yesterday, but Holy Saturday we spent hours in the back yard- Tasha decided to play hide and seek in WHN's shirt- a new game for both of them!
Dad is still waiting for Puddles to visit- she is obviously overcome with shame and lacks the strength for the visit- only two beers and one bag of cheetohs from the Easter Bunny? Sarge needs to get cracking on this case ASAP!
WHN's back was out again- her arthritis is getting worse even though she has lost 130 lbs! Dad has been helping with the housework and we have been busy keeping her warm! She had to miss Mass yesterday since she could barely move and she hates that! The Easter Bunny brought all of us wonderful gifts- WE got brand new hand made bones from Cynthia, Blogville's World Famous Quilter! Ginger is already working on field dressing her bone, and Anna Rose and Tasha have been trying to keep up. Chip and Thai are taking their time, sniffing at theirs and will eventually commence destruction! Dad got a Peeps Longaberger basket and WHN made him a table runner using fabric from Jazzi's Mom- Easter M & Ms (WHN has her new Baby Lock, nicknamed Bella, so don't worry about her) We had ham and potato salad that WHN made on Holy Saturday, and Dad made his famous green bean casserole! We were allowed some of the ham, and baby carrots- we LOVE ham! IT was a bit cold and damp yesterday, but Holy Saturday we spent hours in the back yard- Tasha decided to play hide and seek in WHN's shirt- a new game for both of them!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
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