We have our winners to announce! Thanks to Blogville, Snoopy is an official member of the DWM pack AND we are sending a check for $60.00 to Dachshund REscue of North America (DRNA)! Thank you Blogville!
Now- the winners of the Snoopy raffle are- Ginger Jasper and Maggie Mae- Blogville's very own Ginger Jasper is the quilt winner and Maggie Mae has won the Mayoress Madi scarf! Click here to see Ole Sure Shot himself pull the winning names!
Other great Blogville news- our beloved Lily Belle is home and resting after a health scare this weekend- don't forget to visit- just click on the link!
In DWM news- WHN had to go back on her medicines last week and so our blogging will be more sporadic as will our leaving comments with our bfffs. It has been almost six years since she has been on medication, and she is on Zoloft and Xanax this time. The side effects have not been too bad, but she missed St patty's Day due to not being able to sleep at all the night before. Snoopy is on the job however and is getting lots of "Sling Time"- Dad is convinced that Snoopy diagnosed what was going on with WHN two weeks ago, even before Dad did himself, and we got her to the doctor at the very beginning of this episode and now we just wait for her medications to work. It will take approximately six weeks for the Zoloft to build up in her system and correct the current chemical imbalance she is experiencing. So far, WHN is adapting well to both, but is sleepy during the day and awake most of the night- Snoopy Chip and Tasha have their work cut out for them! She is able to do some quilting and sewing right now, but reading is out due to her inability to concentrate for long on the written page. (Today is a good day, which is why she is able to do this post!)
Monday, March 18, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
UPDATE!!!!!! Lily Belle
JUST received an email from Lily Bell's Mom- our beloved Diva of Florida, Dachshund Nola's BFFFFF, Tasha's Soul sister and Snoopy's Muffin's sister is on her way home! This photo is only 20 minutes old!
POTP NEEDED- MIss Lily Belle
Blogville's very own Diva of Florida, Dachshund Nola's BFF, Tasha's Soul Sister and Snoopy's Muffin's sister, is very ill, battling a severe UTI that has left her dehydrated and at the ICU overnight. POTP needed asap- Please spread the word- her momma and daddy are frantic and her sister Muffin is lost without her, as are we.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Today is THE DAY!!!!!!!
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Goose telling Molly his favorite Pip and Puddles stories |
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Sarge telling Molly about the security measures taken |
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Sasha describing the menu for the pawty |
Let us go down to the red carpet, where our very own Molly the Wally is interviewing the guests as they arrive- over to you Molly! Apparently Goose and Sarge are busy working crowd control at Busch Stadium here in St Louis and Molly caught up with Sasha as she hurried inside to get the refreshments ready for the post pawty!
OMD, OMC- Frankie and his wives have just pulled up in their limo, followed closely by Mayoress Madi escorting PIP! Here comes Ernie and his Foxy Roxy!! Quiet everyone_ the Former Furst Mayor is going to cut the ribbon, opening up the festivites for all of us! DRUM ROLL, PLEASE!!!!!!
Dear Furends,
We have gathered here at Busch Stadium to HONOR our Good Furends PIP
and Puddles. As you know Pip has been busy checking thingys off his
BUCKET LIST. Nurse Puddles was with him every step of the way...
and FURENDS... WHAT a WAY it WAS...
I would like to WELCOME YOU
into the Stadium as we Celebrate and Show our Appreciation for the GRAND
I (Frankie Furter) am now going to CUT this Ribbon and you may Find your Way to your seats...
... If I can get my paw into these SCISSORS 8>< Clip Snip 8><
thank you Mr. Mayor! Our festivities are now open!
Here comes our beloved Mayoress, Madi, with Pip on her arm!
My fellow citizens of this fair city it is with great pleasure I come before you today to celebrate
Pip and Puddles Appreciation Day.
the last month and a half they have traveled the globe...some places
twice, some places are vague memories. Their passport pages are full
and in some locations they have had the pages ripped from their
passports. BUTTTT thanks to strong gassy (sorry) I mean gusty winds at
their backs, Cheetos, burgers and beer they persevered and are here with
us today.........standing ovation.....!!
And Puddles I am happy to crown you Pip King of Cheeseburgers and
Puddles Queen of Merriment and Mayhem....please step forward for your
Now on with the festivities
First up is the Parade of Blogville- all of Blogville's residents parading in front of the Royal Box housing our intrepid duo and the Mayoral pawty- led by the Tiki Light wielding White Dog Army! (Ernie, put down the tiki light- the fireworks come later!). Next up we have Molly the Wally giving color commentary on the attire of the attendees- lots of color and bling- Blogville puts on a darn good show! Now we have the parade of beer and Cheetohs trucks - Sarge, get those trucks over to Sasha- we need refreshments! Here come the CLydesdales! Bert, where are you- we need a bartender! Did you see that- Burger King himself is here and personally delivering several truck loads of cheesburgers!
Shiloh and Shasta are here- giving the BLogville residents rides in their Sopwith Camels! The Circus set back up on the infield- free rides for everyone! I see Millie, Amber Da Weenie, Mona and the rest of BLogville's ladies on the roller coaster already! The men are busy with the bumper cars- Ernie is running the trains again and the Ferris wheel is filling up!
Francine and Ernestine showed up, and are setting off fireworks! They are shooting them at the ARCH but thankfully are missing! Lots of river traffic- another paddle wheel casino has dropped anchor by the ARCH and unloading even more residents of Blogville- The party has overflowed from the stadium to the Gateway ARch and we are showing STL how to party!
Ernie, get away from the river- it is too cold for a young pup to show off his dog paddle! Puddles, stop encouraging him and get back here with that airplane!
The conga line, led again by the White Dog Army, is stretching from the stadium all the way to the Mississippi River, going through the Arch and around several times! Looks like Dachshund Nola is here with her Minions 3 and showing how the conga is done!
Now our pawsonal tribute to the Blogville King of Cheeseburgers and the Blogville Queen of Merriment and Mayhem. We the DWM started blogging back in 2009, just after Chip adopted WHN and Dad- we first met Pip a year later and Puddles when she burst onto the Blogville scene. Puddles' antics would leave WHN with tears streaming down her face and a lift in her step, especially if she was having a bad day. Pip was always an inspiration with his health issues, and continues to be so today. Now, our Dad though that WHN's blogging about us was a bit silly, until he came under the spell of Puddles, who has become his BFFF and adult beverage drinking buddy. He too loves Puddles and always asks about her and loves her antics. They had a great time at the pawty Dad threw in BLogville last year and he has become a convert to Blogville and Puddles! Please enjoy this tribute and post one of your own as we celebrate two of BLogville's residents who have brought so much joy and love to our lives!
Now back to the pawty- which will probably last all weekend!
Tomorrow is the BIG REVEAL!!!!!
Please don't forget to stop by tomorrow! BIG REVEAL!!! Loads of excitement!
Whatever could be happening in BLogville tomorrow? Have to come back and see for yourself!
Also, tomorrow is the last day for the Snoopy/DRNA rafle - Blogville raised the entirety of Snoopy's adoption fees and as of yesterday, a 60.00 donation to DRNA will be made! So, contact WHN if you would still like to purchase raffle tickets for a chance at a Mayoress Madi scarf or your very own Mayor Frankie Furter quilt! Tickets are 2.00 each adn 6 for 10.00! Email WHN for more info - DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com
Whatever could be happening in BLogville tomorrow? Have to come back and see for yourself!
Also, tomorrow is the last day for the Snoopy/DRNA rafle - Blogville raised the entirety of Snoopy's adoption fees and as of yesterday, a 60.00 donation to DRNA will be made! So, contact WHN if you would still like to purchase raffle tickets for a chance at a Mayoress Madi scarf or your very own Mayor Frankie Furter quilt! Tickets are 2.00 each adn 6 for 10.00! Email WHN for more info - DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Dr. Taylor Marshall | Canterbury Tales: 10 Facts about Pope Francis
Dr. Taylor Marshall | Canterbury Tales: 10 Facts about Pope Francis:
Holy Father Pope Francis
10 Facts about our new Holy Father Pope Francis. Major curveball. Who saw this coming? Here are 10 quick facts about Pope Francis (Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio):
- Pope Francis, Jorge Bergoglio, was born in Buenos Aires, one of the five children of an Italian railway worker and his wife.
- He's a Jesuit. The first Jesuit Pope ever.
- Pope Francis is known for his humility, doctrinal conservatism, defender of the Church's moral theology, and a commitment to social justice.
- He has been critical of liberation theology.
- He is close to Comunione e Liberazione.
- He has opposed legislation introduced in 2010 by the Argentine Government to allow same-sex marriage.
- In Argentina, he has been accused by anti-clericalists as being "medieval" (another good sign).
- Pope John Paul II made him a cardinal in 2001.
- He has served on the Congregation of Clergy, Congregation of Divine Worship and Sacraments, Congregation of Institutes of Consecrated Life, the Congregation of Societies of Apostolic Life, and the Commission on Latin American and the Family Council.
- He was concurrently named ordinary for Eastern Catholics in Argentina, who lacked their own prelate. So he can, presumably, celebrate the Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Nancy Drew Blog Hop- Today is WHN's day!
Today is the day for WHN's project for the latest blog hop- Nancy Drew! Moda came out with fabrics based upon this iconic American mystery series and Madame Samm and Carol are our cheerleaders! The list below are the other ladies who took the plunge with WHN today- please visit and see what they have come up with for you! The only requirement for this was that the Nancy Drew fabric had to be sed in the project, and it has proven so popular that it has become difficult to find- most of us had to resort to the Internet to get it!
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Chip and Tasha |
The binder cover works best with a binder whose securing mechanism is in the center of the binder and not attached to the back- can't insert the latter type of binder into the cover (I tried!)
Hope you enjoy what I made!
Front cover of the binder |
Back cover of the binder |
My original half square triangles for a sewing machine cover |
Photobombed by Snoopy! |
The binder in my sewing room |
Who is that gorgeous man? |
Inside view of the binder cover |
Who is this man hiding fromview? |
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Something HOOOOOGE is happening on March 15th!!!
ALSO- today is Day 9 of the raffle for Snoopy and DRNA- While we have raised the entirety of the funds needed for his adoption fees, with some money left over, we are still selling tickets for both the quilt and the scarf raffle in hopes of raising enough money (275.00) to pay for another dachshund to have a furever home- the remaining funds (15.00)plus whatever else we raise between now and Mrch 15th, will go firectly to Dachshund REscue of NOrth AMerica (DRNA)
Tickets are 2.00 each, 6 for 10.00. Please, from today through March 15th, email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com for payment info. Our Former Furst Mayor, Frankie Furter will be drawing the names of the two lucky winners on March 17th!!!!!
Updated list of Raffle ticket entrants: (Updated daily in red)
1) Goose and his mom, Pastor Michelle have purchase 12 tickets
2) WDA have purchase 6 tickets for the quilt AND another 6 tickets for the scarf
3) The Slimmer Pugs have purchased 6 tickets for the Quilt
4) Stella Rose and her sister Maggie and purchased 2 tickets for the quilt
5) Ginger Jasper our beloved Persian friend in the UK has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
6) Millie, the owner of Blogville's beloved World Famous Quilter Cindy, purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
7) Sasha our beloved Shi Tsu BFF has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
8) ernie, the little brother of our beloved former furst Mayor Frankie Furter, has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt- three are for his beloved Foxy Roxy and three for Asta!
9) Ruby and Penny Furter- 6 tickets for the scarf and 6 tickets for the quilt
10) What Remains Now- 6 tickets for the quilt
11) Shiloh and Shasta- 4 quilt tickets adn 2 scarf tickets
12) Lily Belle and Muffin- 10 QUilt tickets and 10 Scarf tickets
13) Sarge - 6 tickets for the quilt
14) Maggie Mae and Max- 4 tickets for the quilt and 2 for the scarf
15) AMber Da Weenie and crew- 6 tickets for the quilt
16) Idaho Pug Ranch (Greta, Hazel and Bailey)- 3 tickets for the quilt and 3 tickets for the scarf
17) Ray, Chase, and Tipper (new bloggers)- 6 tickets for the quilt
18) Sagirah and Bokeh- 6 quilt tickets (and they have put us over the top!)
19) Molly the Wally- 6 quilt tickets
Something HOOOOOGE is happening on March 15th!!!
ALSO- today is Day 9 of the raffle for Snoopy and DRNA- While we have raised the entirety of the funds needed for his adoption fees, with some money left over, we are still selling tickets for both the quilt and the scarf raffle in hopes of raising enough money (275.00) to pay for another dachshund to have a furever home- the remaining funds (15.00)plus whatever else we raise between now and Mrch 15th, will go firectly to Dachshund REscue of NOrth AMerica (DRNA)
Tickets are 2.00 each, 6 for 10.00. Please, from today through March 15th, email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com for payment info. Our Former Furst Mayor, Frankie Furter will be drawing the names of the two lucky winners on March 17th!!!!!
Updated list of Raffle ticket entrants: (Updated daily in red)
1) Goose and his mom, Pastor Michelle have purchase 12 tickets
2) WDA have purchase 6 tickets for the quilt AND another 6 tickets for the scarf
3) The Slimmer Pugs have purchased 6 tickets for the Quilt
4) Stella Rose and her sister Maggie and purchased 2 tickets for the quilt
5) Ginger Jasper our beloved Persian friend in the UK has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
6) Millie, the owner of Blogville's beloved World Famous Quilter Cindy, purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
7) Sasha our beloved Shi Tsu BFF has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
8) ernie, the little brother of our beloved former furst Mayor Frankie Furter, has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt- three are for his beloved Foxy Roxy and three for Asta!
9) Ruby and Penny Furter- 6 tickets for the scarf and 6 tickets for the quilt
10) What Remains Now- 6 tickets for the quilt
11) Shiloh and Shasta- 4 quilt tickets adn 2 scarf tickets
12) Lily Belle and Muffin- 10 QUilt tickets and 10 Scarf tickets
13) Sarge - 6 tickets for the quilt
14) Maggie Mae and Max- 4 tickets for the quilt and 2 for the scarf
15) AMber Da Weenie and crew- 6 tickets for the quilt
16) Idaho Pug Ranch (Greta, Hazel and Bailey)- 3 tickets for the quilt and 3 tickets for the scarf
17) Ray, Chase, and Tipper (new bloggers)- 6 tickets for the quilt
18) Sagirah and Bokeh- 6 quilt tickets (and they have put us over the top!)
19) Molly the Wally- 6 quilt tickets
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Day 7 of the Snoopy Raffle
Great news Blogville! SNOOPY is ours! Thanks to your generosity and love, WHN made the adoption fees payment last
night! there is money left over (just over 4.00) and that will be
forwarded to DRNA when the raffle is over. Guess what- we are still
going to sell tickets for our quilt and scarf raffle- maybe we can raise enough to help one more dachshund find a new home!
Tickets are 2.00 each, 6 for 10.00. Please, from today through March 15th, email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com for payment info. Our Former Furst Mayor, Frankie Furter will be drawing the names of the two lucky winners on March 17th!!!!!
Updated list of Raffle ticket entrants: (Updated daily in red)
1) Goose and his mom, Pastor Michelle have purchase 12 tickets
2) WDA have purchase 6 tickets for the quilt AND another 6 tickets for the scarf
3) The Slimmer Pugs have purchased 6 tickets for the Quilt
4) Stella Rose and her sister Maggie and purchased 2 tickets for the quilt
5) Ginger Jasper our beloved Persian friend in the UK has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
6) Millie, the owner of Blogville's beloved World Famous Quilter Cindy, purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
7) Sasha our beloved Shi Tsu BFF has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
8) ernie, the little brother of our beloved former furst Mayor Frankie Furter, has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt- three are for his beloved Foxy Roxy and three for Asta!
9) Ruby and Penny Furter- 6 tickets for the scarf and 6 tickets for the quilt
10) What Remains Now- 6 tickets for the quilt
11) Shiloh and Shasta- 4 quilt tickets adn 2 scarf tickets
12) Lily Belle and Muffin- 10 QUilt tickets and 10 Scarf tickets
13) Sarge - 6 tickets for the quilt
14) Maggie Mae and Max- 4 tickets for the quilt and 2 for the scarf
15) AMber Da Weenie and crew- 6 tickets for the quilt
16) Idaho Pug Ranch (Greta, Hazel and Bailey)- 3 tickets for the quilt and 3 tickets for the scarf
17) Ray, Chase, and Tipper (new bloggers)- 6 tickets for the quilt
18) Sagirah and Bokeh- 6 quilt tickets (and they have put us over the top!)
19) Molly the Wally- 6 quilt tickets
Tickets are 2.00 each, 6 for 10.00. Please, from today through March 15th, email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com for payment info. Our Former Furst Mayor, Frankie Furter will be drawing the names of the two lucky winners on March 17th!!!!!
Updated list of Raffle ticket entrants: (Updated daily in red)
1) Goose and his mom, Pastor Michelle have purchase 12 tickets
2) WDA have purchase 6 tickets for the quilt AND another 6 tickets for the scarf
3) The Slimmer Pugs have purchased 6 tickets for the Quilt
4) Stella Rose and her sister Maggie and purchased 2 tickets for the quilt
5) Ginger Jasper our beloved Persian friend in the UK has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
6) Millie, the owner of Blogville's beloved World Famous Quilter Cindy, purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
7) Sasha our beloved Shi Tsu BFF has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
8) ernie, the little brother of our beloved former furst Mayor Frankie Furter, has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt- three are for his beloved Foxy Roxy and three for Asta!
9) Ruby and Penny Furter- 6 tickets for the scarf and 6 tickets for the quilt
10) What Remains Now- 6 tickets for the quilt
11) Shiloh and Shasta- 4 quilt tickets adn 2 scarf tickets
12) Lily Belle and Muffin- 10 QUilt tickets and 10 Scarf tickets
13) Sarge - 6 tickets for the quilt
14) Maggie Mae and Max- 4 tickets for the quilt and 2 for the scarf
15) AMber Da Weenie and crew- 6 tickets for the quilt
16) Idaho Pug Ranch (Greta, Hazel and Bailey)- 3 tickets for the quilt and 3 tickets for the scarf
17) Ray, Chase, and Tipper (new bloggers)- 6 tickets for the quilt
18) Sagirah and Bokeh- 6 quilt tickets (and they have put us over the top!)
19) Molly the Wally- 6 quilt tickets
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Meet Me in St Louis- The Pip and Puddles World Bucket Tour 2013
You read the headlines correctly- today is the day! Pip and Puddles will be in St Louis to the joyous acclaim of their fans the world over! The hotels have been filling up- Goose and Bert have been busy handling the overflow crowds downtown by the Arch! The local veterinarians are on 24/7 alert as are the Missouri National and Air Guards (they heard the news that Puddles is "licensed" to fly Sopwith Camels). The popo are on vacay, as BLogville's very own Sarge is on duty- and he brought along EXTRA ticket books! 18 wheelers have been pulling in on an hourly basis full of cheetohs and beer- the barges on the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers have been hauling in loads of treats for our Blogville bash!
First off we have that daring duo- Shiloh and Shasta, flying their Sopwith Camels camouflaged in Cheetohs paint jobs, under the great Gateway ARch on the Mississippi- No way the Missouri Air Guard will ever figure that out!
Next we have the commemorative brochure that we are selling so that we all have something with which to remember this bucket tour- filled to the brim with all of the photos and blog entries from each stop- (ok, so we really are trying to raise Puddles' bail money!)
Anheuser Busch, the company responsible for the beverage sought after by discriminating Yorkies and Dachshunds everywhere, created this commemorative Bud Light fountain for Puddles to take everywhere she goes! They also honored Pip and Puddles with Keys to their factories- so much better than a key to a city- these keys open up breweries the world over (so we no longer have to bail out Puddles)
The city of St Louis changed the street lights throughout the city and at the Gateway Arch, just for this occasion! The new lights are being called Puddle Lights!
Here is a picture of our super heroine, Blogville's own Beer Wench!
The Gateway Arch, built in 1964, right on the Mississippi River itself! And yes, Puddles and Pip did hang from it- so did everyone else at the pawty! St Louis put out the red carpet for Puddles and Pip! WE barbequed our hearts out- the White Dog Army had the tiki lights going and the conga lines went all day and night!
Oscar Mayer had their fleet of Weinermobiles on hand for the entourage- Bert, Goose, Frankie and his wives, Mayoress Madi and her staff, Stella Rose and her sister, Sasha, Millie, Sagira, AMber Da Weenie and her pack, White Dog ARmy, all of BLogville! Everyone has a ride!
Close up of the Gateway ARch- was not able to fit Puddles doing the tango with Pip on top of it - WHN's camera isn't very good!
Puddles and Pip are now CEO and COO of Anheuser Busch! They each have fabulous offices from which to run their beer empire!
The horse and buggy reserved for our dynamic duo to relax and gaze out upon their adoring fans gathered in St Louis!
As part of her CEO salary, Puddles has been given a beer wagon drawn by six CLydesdales, for her personal use. Pip declined the honor so he was made CEO of Burger King instead- something to do with "Quality control" - He will be spending his days taste testing cheesburgers and drinking Bud Light, and getting paid to do it!
This beer vat is right outside the executive suite, so Pip and Puddles can keep an eye on things!
After lunch, we swung by St Charles, across the Missouri
River- Puddles wanted to check out the Lewis and Clark locations, seeing as she and Pip have travelled a far greater distance than they did in a much shorter time! Here we have Puddles and Pip telling Lewis and CLark all about their mad cap adventures!
Here, we have Puddles, the Mighty Huntress, telling Daniel Boone, another famed scout, explorer and hunter, all about her exploits in "deading". She appears to be giving him some pointers and left him with a bottle of an adult beverage to enjoy!
This brewery really put on a great buffet for our Pip and Puddles- loads of cheeseburgers and local beers for them to try!
Ahhhh- dinner time! Mr Geoff prepared Pip and Puddles favorite snacks so that they can get a good night's sleep before hitting the trails tomorrow
Puddles just lovers the way Mr Geoff cooks! Pip ate his cheesburgers and hit the sack early- he needs his rest since Puddles is driving!
OOPS- we forgot to take down our outdoor Christmas tree- do think Puddles will like this?
First off we have that daring duo- Shiloh and Shasta, flying their Sopwith Camels camouflaged in Cheetohs paint jobs, under the great Gateway ARch on the Mississippi- No way the Missouri Air Guard will ever figure that out!
Next we have the commemorative brochure that we are selling so that we all have something with which to remember this bucket tour- filled to the brim with all of the photos and blog entries from each stop- (ok, so we really are trying to raise Puddles' bail money!)
Anheuser Busch, the company responsible for the beverage sought after by discriminating Yorkies and Dachshunds everywhere, created this commemorative Bud Light fountain for Puddles to take everywhere she goes! They also honored Pip and Puddles with Keys to their factories- so much better than a key to a city- these keys open up breweries the world over (so we no longer have to bail out Puddles)
The city of St Louis changed the street lights throughout the city and at the Gateway Arch, just for this occasion! The new lights are being called Puddle Lights!
Here is a picture of our super heroine, Blogville's own Beer Wench!
The Gateway Arch, built in 1964, right on the Mississippi River itself! And yes, Puddles and Pip did hang from it- so did everyone else at the pawty! St Louis put out the red carpet for Puddles and Pip! WE barbequed our hearts out- the White Dog Army had the tiki lights going and the conga lines went all day and night!
Oscar Mayer had their fleet of Weinermobiles on hand for the entourage- Bert, Goose, Frankie and his wives, Mayoress Madi and her staff, Stella Rose and her sister, Sasha, Millie, Sagira, AMber Da Weenie and her pack, White Dog ARmy, all of BLogville! Everyone has a ride!
Close up of the Gateway ARch- was not able to fit Puddles doing the tango with Pip on top of it - WHN's camera isn't very good!
Puddles and Pip are now CEO and COO of Anheuser Busch! They each have fabulous offices from which to run their beer empire!
The horse and buggy reserved for our dynamic duo to relax and gaze out upon their adoring fans gathered in St Louis!
As part of her CEO salary, Puddles has been given a beer wagon drawn by six CLydesdales, for her personal use. Pip declined the honor so he was made CEO of Burger King instead- something to do with "Quality control" - He will be spending his days taste testing cheesburgers and drinking Bud Light, and getting paid to do it!

After lunch, we swung by St Charles, across the Missouri
River- Puddles wanted to check out the Lewis and Clark locations, seeing as she and Pip have travelled a far greater distance than they did in a much shorter time! Here we have Puddles and Pip telling Lewis and CLark all about their mad cap adventures!
Puddles, Pip and Daniel Boone- St Charles, Missouri |
This brewery really put on a great buffet for our Pip and Puddles- loads of cheeseburgers and local beers for them to try!
Ahhhh- dinner time! Mr Geoff prepared Pip and Puddles favorite snacks so that they can get a good night's sleep before hitting the trails tomorrow
Puddles just lovers the way Mr Geoff cooks! Pip ate his cheesburgers and hit the sack early- he needs his rest since Puddles is driving!
OOPS- we forgot to take down our outdoor Christmas tree- do think Puddles will like this?
A Meal fit for a King and Queen |
For Puddles |
Add caption |
Dat 5- For the Love of Snoopy Raffle!
Today is Day 5 of the Snoopy Adoption fees/DRNA raffle! Tickets are selling fast! (We think even faster than Puddles driving her red car fast!)
Tickets are $2.00 per ticket, with 6 for $10.00. Please use the Chipin until March 7th, and then email WHN to make arangements. Payments may be sent via mail- that is how one payment has been made and received to date!
Updated list of Raffle ticket entrants: (Updated daily in red)
1) Goose and his mom, Pastor Michelle have purchase 12 tickets
2) WDA have purchase 6 tickets for the quilt AND another 6 tickets for the scarf
3) The Slimmer Pugs have purchased 6 tickets for the Quilt
4) Stella Rose and her sister Maggie and purchased 2 tickets for the quilt
5) Ginger Jasper our beloved Persian friend in the UK has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
6) Millie, the owner of Blogville's beloved World Famous Quilter Cindy, purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
7) Sasha our beloved Shi Tsu BFF has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
8) ernie, the little brother of our beloved former furst Mayor Frankie Furter, has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt- three are for his beloved Foxy Roxy and three for Asta!
9) Ruby and Penny Furter- 6 tickets for the scarf and 6 tickets for the quilt
10) What Remains Now- 6 tickets for the quilt
11) Shiloh and Shasta- 4 quilt tickets adn 2 scarf tickets
12) Lily Belle and Muffin- 60 tickets for the raffle
13) Sarge - 6 tickets for the quilt
14) Maggie Mae and Max- 4 tickets for the quilt and 2 for the scarf
15) AMber Da Weenie and crew- 6 tickets for the quilt
16) Idaho Pug Ranch (Greta, Hazel and Bailey)- 3 tickets for the quilt and 3 tickets for the scarf
17) Ray, Chase, and Tipper (new bloggers)- 6 tickets for the quilt
18) Sagirah and Bokeh- 6 quilt tickets (and they have put us over the top!)
Tickets are $2.00 per ticket, with 6 for $10.00. Please use the Chipin until March 7th, and then email WHN to make arangements. Payments may be sent via mail- that is how one payment has been made and received to date!
Updated list of Raffle ticket entrants: (Updated daily in red)
1) Goose and his mom, Pastor Michelle have purchase 12 tickets
2) WDA have purchase 6 tickets for the quilt AND another 6 tickets for the scarf
3) The Slimmer Pugs have purchased 6 tickets for the Quilt
4) Stella Rose and her sister Maggie and purchased 2 tickets for the quilt
5) Ginger Jasper our beloved Persian friend in the UK has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
6) Millie, the owner of Blogville's beloved World Famous Quilter Cindy, purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
7) Sasha our beloved Shi Tsu BFF has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt
8) ernie, the little brother of our beloved former furst Mayor Frankie Furter, has purchased 6 tickets for the quilt- three are for his beloved Foxy Roxy and three for Asta!
9) Ruby and Penny Furter- 6 tickets for the scarf and 6 tickets for the quilt
10) What Remains Now- 6 tickets for the quilt
11) Shiloh and Shasta- 4 quilt tickets adn 2 scarf tickets
12) Lily Belle and Muffin- 60 tickets for the raffle
13) Sarge - 6 tickets for the quilt
14) Maggie Mae and Max- 4 tickets for the quilt and 2 for the scarf
15) AMber Da Weenie and crew- 6 tickets for the quilt
16) Idaho Pug Ranch (Greta, Hazel and Bailey)- 3 tickets for the quilt and 3 tickets for the scarf
17) Ray, Chase, and Tipper (new bloggers)- 6 tickets for the quilt
18) Sagirah and Bokeh- 6 quilt tickets (and they have put us over the top!)
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