
Monday, November 12, 2012

Today is the Day- the BIG Reveal- UR Pricelss BLog Hop FINAL DAY!!!!!

 Is Blogville ready?  Mayor Frankie, will you please tell Ernestine and Francine to settle down so everyone can see?  Really, one would think that the cousins of our very Furst Mayor would behave for such an impawtant occasion!  Where is Sarge, our Chief of Pawlice?  Puddles, the beer and cheetohs will have to wait- and no you may NOT hang from the Gateway Arch until after the unveiling!  Yes, your BFF Mr. Geoff will be taking you to all of the Bud Light factories and bottling plants in ST Louis so that you can start your Super Dachshund duties of ensuring the world has enough beer!  Just remember to wear your safety capeWhere are Goose and Bert when you need them most?  Amber, you may NOT take the Weinermobile away from Max and go driving along the Mississippi River again!  Shiloh, stop passing notes to your girlfriends Tasha and Peaches! Lily Belle, Muffin and Millie, stop the conga line this instant! 

OK, here we go!  Now all of Blogville knows that we keep What's Her Name (WHN) chained up in her sewing room, allowing her out only to feed us and walk us.  When Dad (Mr. Geoff, Puddles' BFF and drinking buddy) was laid off last year, she started sewing and quilting again, and also started following quilting blogs ( just to keep out of our furs)  This year has been very challenging for WHN ( and not just because she is off her meds)  Since April of this year, we lost three of the Dachsies With Moxie in six months, Dad got a new job after a year of being unemployed, and we had to move from Ohio to Missouri!  Say that quickly three times!  Anyway, on one of WHN's favorite quilt blogs there was a purse blog hop being advertised.  WHN signed up, not ever having made a purse before, nor having pawticipated in a blog hop either- we of course knew she was nuts, but she gave it a try anyway!  She decided to be "creative"  (insert very loud hacking cough here!)  and used the leftover scraps from the Kerazy Lady's table runner (photo included so that you can see what fabrics would be used)  She cut and pieced a largish square of muslin with these scraps, and proceeded to cut out her pattern pieces (and of course forgot to take pictures of this- we told her that  no one would be interested and to move it- we needed feeding!) .  She used iron-on batting to give the purse body and lined it with a great hot pink fabric.  Sewing the four pieces together were relatively easy for WHN- very few HBO words were heard, so don't worry about that!  The problem was the hand sewing of the purse frame!  WHN had not taken into account the extra thickness that her pieced fabric would cause her- thankfully she only ended breaking her thread and not a needle!  She was pleased with her first purse and uses it for change and it resides on her dresser- we think that the money inside should be used for our treats- don't you agree?  Then terror struck our household- WHN had a Brilliant Idea!  (RUN for your lives!  We hid under the covers for days when this occurred! Tasha is still losing her gawjus black fur over the shock)  WHN was determined to master the purse pattern and the handles, so she made another purse!  AND she fussy cut the pieces from a great fabric she found at Jackman's,  hot pink with a Keep on Quilting Rosie the Riveter motif!  (Yes, dear blog readers, WHN is out of control again- please send emergency meds NOW!). This purse went together quite nicely- even the points on the bottom matched!  On top of that,  this time she used upholstery thread for hand sewing the purse frame to the body and it worked so much better- the thread did not break and nothing is going to take that frame off!  WHN liked it so much that she is going to resew the handle on her first purse and use the upholstery thread on all future purses.  So, please enjoy the photos of WHN's first venture into the world of purses and please visit the other ladies who are sharing their handiwork on this momentous occasion!  (BTW, the pink Rosie the Riveter purse is now in Canada, a gift to the fabulous Madame Samm, who inspired the blog hop and keeps WHN out of our furs- for that alone, she should be receiving daily shipments of gold and diamonds!)  


Here is the lineup of the rest of today's participants in the blog hop- please visit all of them and give them a BLogville hello and welcome!

Day 7 - Nov. 13

Julia P
Dachsies With Moxie
Marci Girl Designs
The Sunflower Patch
Wish upon a star
Mary on Lake Pulaski
Greco Mara
Linda M
Mack and Mabel
Dreaming in Patchwork
Judith Handmade Treasures
Caesarea Scrappers
Patchouli Moon Studio

Sew We Quilt


Unknown said...

Love them!

Vickie said...

Super cute, I love the way you pieced scraps to make fabrics, good idea.

GOOSE said...

I for one think the purse is GREAT!! As I have said before my MOM has a sewing kit and all that is in it is a stapler and duct tape. So I am in awe of what WHN has done.

Judy B said...

Your story is so darn cute! Love your coin purses and Rosie is a hoot! Thank you for sharing.

Pat Converse said...

Love that Rosie the Riveter one! Thanks for sharing.

Millie and Walter said...

Very well done! I love the fussy cutting with the pink one.


Marci Girl said...

Great job! Really like the patchwork one!

White Dog Blog said...

The quilt scraps bag has some lovely fabrics. We LOVE the Rosie purse and knowing the story behind all the effort that went into making it perfect is priceless! You DWM are so lucky to have such a talented momma!

Nati said...

I like your scraps purse! thanks for sharing

Mrs A said...

I love your fabrics, the purses look fab!

Britt-Inger said...

Your purses are very cute. Thanks for sharing

Sue said...

Great purses! Thank you for sharing!

memmens said...

Wow that is brilliant - love the use of scraps

bichonpawz said...

We think the purse is very pretty! You did an awesome job!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

charlotte said...

Very cute. Love the pink one. I have never seen that fabric.

Rosa said...

Your purse is adorable and love your fabric your.Thanks for sharing!!

Mommarock said...

Very brave of you. I too own Dachsies! Three of them. Well, okay one is a terrier mix, one we aren't sure of LOL, and the other is a pure. Gotta love them!! I just recently lost one fur baby Ginger. Love them so! Your purses are a delight!

Lovable Lily said...

OK ladies, ladies, LADIES! Muffin stop humping Millie and Millie please settle down. Stop for a moment will ya!! Whew, it was hard enough to teach them both the conga let alone getting them both to stop. {deep sigh...}

WE LOVE YOUR PURSES! Now aren't they just the cutest little things. And that Rosie is just bursting her muscles all around for all to see. Adorable!!

WHN, you did a FANTASTIC job! We just can't tell you enough how talented we think you are. Just like Miss Cindy from Bird Brains and Dog Tales, you rock the needle!!

Hey I like that... "Rock the Needed" should be your new slogan. I think that's kind of catchy.

We've been checking out some of the other purses too and Mom hides under the couch when we do. I think shes totally embarassed that she can't sew worth a lick!

Keep up the great work.

Lily Belle

Ladies! How many times do I have to tell you, start with your right paw other wise our conga line goes kaflooie!

Pauline said...

Both are wonderful, thanks for a great post, I loved reading it.
Thanks for sharing!

JudyCinNC said...

Your introduction and descriptive adventures were so fun to read ... A truly wonderful display of the little purses and Rosie the Riveter was a great selection. Judy C

Brenda said...

Love the Rosie the riveter purse! Great job!
hulseybg at gmail dot com

B Greene said...

Very cute! Thanks for sharing!

carla said...

Hi!! They are adorable!!! Very pretty fabric!!! Great pick for Madame Samm!!! She will love it!!! Love your pawpies and the story!!! Thanks for the fun!!!

Gill said...

Great purses!
Thanks for sharing!

sew.darn.quilt said...

Very cute!

stellaroselong said...

OHHHH those are just lovely! I think if you made them bigger with a handle mom could just carry me around instead of sticking my butt in the mom says you are very very talented. We only have glue guns, staplers and frozen food at our house.
stella rose

Linda said...

Your little purses are adorable! Great job!

Frederika said...

Love them

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Great post! and yes, a perfect project for scrap-busting! loved what you made!

Needled Mom said...

Very cute and I love the bottom on #2 purse.

Els said...

Nice purses!!

LJ said...

Cute, cute story and purses. Loved Rosie - and in pink, no less! :)

Beth said...

Cute fabrics! Thanks for sharing.

Laura said...

That was an adorable post, and your purses are so cute!

Wendy said...

pretty purses, I love the patchwork one

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Cute! Love the happy, scrappy one! and yay! for using upholstery thread :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
I am home from visiting our first little grandbaby! Wish I could have stayed longer! But I am trying now to catch up with all the wonderful posts on this blog hop. Yay! I am caught up now, so am here with my visit!

MoeWest said...

Your purses are lovely! Now you need one in doggie fabric to hold treats.

Sallie said...

Pawfect dawling! Enjoyed the post, too :)

DonnaJ said...

That fabric is different. Very pretty

Sparky said...

HI your patchwork, that was very looks good...and I love your pink one....oh yes

Rebeckah Austin said...

Where did you get the keep on quilting fabric?

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Rosemary B here:
FURST: I love your blog. I am already friends/following but if I wasnt I would LOLOL
SECOND: I am going to put that red and blue map on my blog. Gosh are you as crushed as I am about this stolen election? I live in VA and I tell you we were robbed or hacked.
Okay I loved your story. Good going kids! So glad you let your mom out for a while to actually display her creativity for the masses.
The little purses are absolutely marvelous and creative. I adore them! superb fabrics
thanks for sharing your mom today. She is a hard worker, so keep her.

Thank you for sharing your creativity

Carrie P. said...

so cute. My daughter loves Rosie.

tink's mom said...

Great job and thanks for sharing.

Snoodles said...

Oh, WHN, I so needed this chuckle! I'm so glad that I stopped by. Thank you for joining in this hop - your purses are wonderful!

Sheila said...

Lovely little purses and a cute story .

Debi said...

Very cute purses. Thanks for sharing!

CeLynn said...

Both of your purses are simply adorable :)

ThreadCatcher said...

Great purses...the pink one is special, as are dachsies...we love our little Amber! Thanks for sharing.

Maria Kievit said...

Great story! Thanks for sharing your purses!

Allison said...

love the 'keep on quilting' purse :)

Corrie said...

Love them both. The scrappy one is fun & so is Rosie.

Scrapbook-ChickADoodle said...

Cute purses especially Rosie. Thanks for sharing.

Joanne said...

Cute! Love the Keep On Quilting fabric. :-)

Denise :) said...

Agnes, I can't believe I missed you post of purses -- I was so sure I'd click on each and every one of the links. Yours are quite darling!! The "Keep On Quilting" one is fabulous...but the patchwork hexies is just darling!! Great job!! :)

♥Duff said...

OH man! what I wouldn't give to hijack mdame Samm's mail right now!
Love the pink Rosie--I've never seen that one.

Katherine said...

What fun coin purses! I'm a big fan of scrappy and think your purse is gorgeous... but Rosie really takes the cake. I'm sure Mdm Samm will love your sweet gift!