We need to apologize for not updating the auction the last two days- WHN has broken our computer again and it went to the hospital and will not be back for two weeks! We are forced to have her go use the computer at the local library, and also her iPhone once she figures out how that works! Since this is the case, after this post, she will be updating as individual bids come in and will do a final post with the winning bids on the 5th of July- she will email the winners first- please overlook this glitch in the auction- it was completely unforseen!
As of 0900 PM CST today we had $719.00
(Day 15 raised $642.00; Days 13 and 14 raised $641.00; Day 12 total was $639.00; Days 9, 10
and 11 totals were $637.00 in bids; Day 8 bids totalled $629.00; Days 6
and 7 were $594.00 in bids; Day 5 was $588.00 in bids; Day 4 total was $555.00 in bids; Day 3
total was $513.00 in bids, $563.00 total including donations; Day
2 total was $478.00; Day One total was $372.00) in bids for most of our items! Donation totals to date - $70.00 from Mona and Prissy on 12 June 2013! 19 June 2013, Molly the Wally has donated $20.00!!!!! Total raised to date, including auction bids and donations, is $789.00!!!!
The following Blogville residents are the current leaders by item in the Auction! Items listed in pink have new bidders in the lead from yesterday! Items in black are still without bids. Items in red indicate a BIDDING WAR!!!!!!
Item 1- Casey - $10.00 Item 2- Wally and Sammy- $22.00 Item 3- Sasha- $15.00Jazzi- $11.00 Item 4- Spitty the Kitty- $55.00 Item 5- Kyla- $60.00 Item 6- Urban Hounds $20.00 Item 7- Marg- $15.00 Item 8- One Special Cat- $8.00 Item 9- Idaho Pug Ranch- $7.00 Item 10- My Three Moggies- $12.00 Item 11- Five Sibes- $11.00 Item 12 Dip Dip and Elliot- $8.00 Item 13- Caren Gittleman $20.00 Item 14 Stella Rose - $10.00 Item 15- My Three Moggies- $10.00 Item 16- Kyla- $18.00 Item 17- Casey $10.00 Item 18- Sarge - $5.00 Item 19- Frankie and Ernie- $10.00 Item 20- Jazzi- $5.00 Item 21- Sasha- $25.00 Item 22 - Goose - $23.00 Item 23- Chloefpuff- $15.00 Item 24- Sasha- $20.00 Item 25- Sarge- $15.00 Item 26- WHN $15.00 Item 27- The Kresty Krew $15.00 Item 28- Frankie and Ernie $20.00 Item 29- Lily Belle and Muffin $20.00 Item 30- Ranger- $20.00 Item 31- White Dog Army- $15.00 Item 32- Dip Dip and Elliot- $10.00 Item 33- The OP Pack- $15.00 Item 34- Kyla- $15.00 Item 35- Sasha- $15.00 Item 36- Reilly and Denny - $15.00 Item 37- Frankie and Ernie- $7.00 Item 38- Jackie Bouchard- $18.00 Item 39- Ginger Jasper- $35.00 Item 40- White Dog ARmy- $20.00 Item 41- Dachsies With Moxie $20.00 Item 42- CD McLean- $20.00
When bidding
on these items, please leave a comment on the post
for Day 1 of the auction. Include name, bid amount and valid email!
More items will be added over the course of the auction!!!!!
you wish to donate instead, please email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama
AT gmail DOT com for information on using Paypal for donation and for
any other questions that you may have.
The auction will end on 4 July 2013 at 2400 hrs CST! Paymentfor all winning bidders must be received AND cleared by 15 July 2013, before any donors will ship items!
Please click here
to go to the auction posting and make your bids! Please enter item
number, bid amount and your email in the comments section of the post!
WHN will continue updating each day, and will have a cumulative posted
each night, with the leaders for each item! Good Luck!
Day 16 Blogville Auction Update- the Blogville Auction to help our fellow four leggers in Moore,
Oklahoma! As of 6:00 PM CST we had $662.00
(Day 15 raised $642.00; Days 13 and 14 raised $641.00; Day 12 total was $639.00; Days 9, 10
and 11 totals were $637.00 in bids; Day 8 bids totalled $629.00; Days 6
and 7 were $594.00 in bids; Day 5 was $588.00 in bids; Day 4 total was $555.00 in bids; Day 3
total was $513.00 in bids, $563.00 total including donations; Day
2 total was $478.00; Day One total was $372.00) in bids for most of our items! Donation totals to date - $70.00 from Mona and Prissy on 12 June 2013! 19 June 2013, Molly the Wally has donated $20.00!!!!! Total raised to date, including auction bids and donations, is $732.00!!!! The following Blogville residents are the current leaders by item in the Auction! Items listed in pink have new bidders in the lead from yesterday! Items in black are still without bids. Items in red indicate a BIDDING WAR!!!!!! Item 1- Casey - $10.00 Item 2- Wally and Sammy- $22.00 Item 3- Sasha- $15.00Jazzi- $11.00 Item 4- Spitty the Kitty- $55.00 Item 5- Kyla- $60.00 Item 6- Urban Hounds $20.00 Item 7- Marg- $15.00 Item 8- One Special Cat- $8.00 Item 9- Idaho Pug Ranch- $7.00 Item 10- My Three Moggies- $12.00 Item 11- Five Sibes- $11.00 Item 12 Dip Dip and Elliot- $8.00 Item 13- Caren Gittleman $20.00 Item 14 Stella Rose - $10.00 Item 15- My Three Moggies- $10.00 Item 16- Kyla- $18.00 Item 17- Gizmo- $8.00 Item 18- Sarge - $5.00 Item 19- Frankie and Ernie- $10.00 Item 20- Jazzi- $5.00 Item 21- Sasha- $25.00 Item 22 - Goose - $23.00 Item 23- Chloefpuff- $15.00 Item 24- Sasha- $20.00 Item 25- Sarge- $15.00 Item 26- WHN $15.00 Item 27- The Kresty Krew $15.00 Item 28- Frankie and Ernie $20.00 Item 29- Lily Belle and Muffin $20.00 Item 30- Ranger- $20.00 Item 31- no bids yet Item 32- Dip Dip and Elliot- $10.00 Item 33- The OP Pack- $15.00 Item 34- Kyla- $15.00 Item 35- Sasha- $15.00 Item 36- Reilly and Denny - $15.00 Item 37- Frankie and Ernie- $7.00 Item 38- Jackie Bouchard- $18.00 Item 39- Ginger Jasper- $35.00 Item 40- no bids yet Item 41- no bids yet Item 42- Benny and Lily- $19.00 When bidding
on these items, please leave a comment on the post
for Day 1 of the auction. Include name, bid amount and valid email! More items will be added over the course of the auction!!!!! If
you wish to donate instead, please email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama
AT gmail DOT com for information on using Paypal for donation and for
any other questions that you may have. The auction will end on 4 July 2013 at 2400 hrs CST! Paymentfor all winning bidders must be received AND cleared by 15 July 2013, before any donors will ship items! Please click here
to go to the auction posting and make your bids! Please enter item
number, bid amount and your email in the comments section of the post!
WHN will continue updating each day, and will have a cumulative posted
each night, with the leaders for each item! Good Luck!
Day 15 Blogville Auction Update- the Blogville Auction to help our fellow four leggers in Moore,
Oklahoma! As of 6:00 PM CST we had $642.00
(Days 13 and 14 raised $641.00; Day 12 total was $639.00; Days 9, 10
and 11 totals were $637.00 in bids; Day 8 bids totalled $629.00; Days 6
and 7 were $594.00 in bids; Day 5 was $588.00 in bids; Day 4 total was $555.00 in bids; Day 3
total was $513.00 in bids, $563.00 total including donations; Day
2 total was $478.00; Day One total was $372.00) in bids for most of our items! Donation totals to date - $70.00 from Mona and Prissy on 12 June 2013! 19 June 2013, Molly the Wally has donated $20.00!!!!! Total raised to date, including auction bids and donations, is $712.00!!!! The following Blogville residents are the current leaders by item in the Auction! Items listed in pink have new bidders in the lead from yesterday! Items in black are still without bids. Items in red indicate a BIDDING WAR!!!!!! Item 1- Casey - $10.00 Item 2- Wally and Sammy- $22.00 Item 3- Sasha- $15.00Jazzi- $11.00 Item 4- Spitty the Kitty- $55.00 Item 5- Kyla- $60.00 Item 6- Urban Hounds $20.00 Item 7- Marg- $15.00 Item 8- One Special Cat- $8.00 Item 9- Idaho Pug Ranch- $7.00 Item 10- My Three Moggies- $12.00 Item 11- Five Sibes- $11.00 Item 12 Dip Dip and Elliot- $8.00 Item 13- Caren Gittleman $20.00 Item 14 Stella Rose - $10.00 Item 15- My Three Moggies- $10.00 Item 16- Kyla- $18.00 Item 17- Gizmo- $8.00 Item 18- Sarge - $5.00 Item 19- Frankie and Ernie- $10.00 Item 20- Jazzi- $5.00 Item 21- Sasha- $25.00 Item 22 - Goose - $23.00 Item 23- Chloefpuff- $15.00 Item 24- Sasha- $20.00 Item 25- Sarge- $15.00 Item 26- WHN $15.00 Item 27- The Kresty Krew $15.00 Item 28- Frankie and Ernie $20.00 Item 29- Lily Belle and Muffin $20.00 Item 30- no bids yet Item 31- no bids yet Item 32- Dip Dip and Elliot- $10.00 Item 33- The OP Pack- $15.00 Item 34- Kyla- $15.00 Item 35- Sasha- $15.00 Item 36- Reilly and Denny - $15.00 Item 37- Frankie and Ernie- $7.00 Item 38- Jackie Bouchard- $18.00 Item 39- Ginger Jasper- $35.00 Item 40- no bids yet Item 41- no bids yet Item 42- Benny and Lily- $19.00 When bidding
on these items, please leave a comment on the post
for Day 1 of the auction. Include name, bid amount and valid email! More items will be added over the course of the auction!!!!! If
you wish to donate instead, please email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama
AT gmail DOT com for information on using Paypal for donation and for
any other questions that you may have. The auction will end on 4 July 2013 at 2400 hrs CST! Paymentfor all winning bidders must be received AND cleared by 15 July 2013, before any donors will ship items! Please click here
to go to the auction posting and make your bids! Please enter item
number, bid amount and your email in the comments section of the post!
WHN will continue updating each day, and will have a cumulative posted
each night, with the leaders for each item! Good Luck!
No, you are not seeing double, but double dapple! That's right, we are fostering a double dapple dachsie named Lenny for DRNA for a couple of weeks while his new peeps are on vacation! (His new name is Lenny, but DRNA had named him Omar) He will be living in St Charles, only a few minutes away from us and he is gorgeous! He is bigger than Snoopy and is only two years old. Hates being on a leash but is willing to work on it, and house breaking is still an issue but he tries! He loves sleeping in the big bed with the DWM and their slaves, and gets along quite well with the guys. Dad adores him and is adored in return- Lenny's tail swishes whenever he hears Dad's voice! He gobbles down his food, and "helps" the others with theirs, as Chip learned this morning. Loves car rides and being a pack member- still leary of Tasha, but he is already following WHN around with Snoopy and Chip- this morning's shower was a big surprise- he and Snoopy were sitting right there waiting for her to finish! He has the sweetest face and the most gorgeous smile. He and two litter mates were dumped at a shelter in Illinois- and one brother died soon after going inot rescue. Lenny has one undevolped eye and can see somewhat and has limited hearing, but he is one happy and loving ball of fur! He loves being on the couch or on your lap! Please welcome Lenny to Blogville!
Days 13 and 14 Blogville Auction Updates- the Blogville Auction to help our fellow four leggers in Moore,
Oklahoma! As of 6:00 PM CST we had $641.00
(Day 12 total was $639.00; Days 9, 10 and 11 totals were $637.00 in bids; Day 8 bids totalled $629.00; Days 6 and 7 were $594.00 in bids; Day 5 was $588.00 in bids; Day 4 total was $555.00 in bids; Day 3
total was $513.00 in bids, $563.00 total including donations; Day
2 total was $478.00; Day One total was $372.00) in bids for most of our items! Donation totals to date - $70.00 from Mona and Prissy on 12 June 2013! 19 June 2013, Molly the Wally has donated $20.00!!!!! Total raised to date, including auction bids and donations, is $711.00!!!! The following Blogville residents are the current leaders by item in the Auction! Items listed in pink have new bidders in the lead from yesterday! Items in black are still without bids. Items in red indicate a BIDDING WAR!!!!!! Item 1- Casey - $10.00 Item 2- Wally and Sammy- $22.00 Item 3- Sasha- $15.00Jazzi- $11.00 Item 4- Spitty the Kitty- $55.00 Item 5- Kyla- $60.00 Item 6- Urban Hounds $20.00 Item 7- Marg- $15.00 Item 8- One Special Cat- $8.00 Item 9- Idaho Pug Ranch- $7.00 Item 10- My Three Moggies- $12.00 Item 11- Five Sibes- $11.00 Item 12 Dip Dip and Elliot- $8.00 Item 13- Caren Gittleman $20.00 Item 14 Stella Rose - $10.00 Item 15- My Three Moggies- $10.00 Item 16- Kyla- $18.00 Item 17- Gizmo- $8.00 Item 18- Sarge - $5.00 Item 19- Frankie and Ernie- $10.00 Item 20- Jazzi- $5.00 Item 21- Sasha- $25.00 Item 22 - Five Sibes- $22.00 Item 23- Chloefpuff- $15.00 Item 24- Sasha- $20.00 Item 25- Sarge- $15.00 Item 26- WHN $15.00 Item 27- The Kresty Krew $15.00 Item 28- Frankie and Ernie $20.00 Item 29- Lily Belle and Muffin $20.00 Item 30- no bids yet Item 31- no bids yet Item 32- Dip Dip and Elliot- $10.00 Item 33- The OP Pack- $15.00 Item 34- Kyla- $15.00 Item 35- Sasha- $15.00 Item 36- Reilly and Denny - $15.00 Item 37- Frankie and Ernie- $7.00 Item 38- Jackie Bouchard- $18.00 Item 39- Ginger Jasper- $35.00 Item 40- no bids yet Item 41- no bids yet Item 42- Benny and Lily- $19.00 When bidding
on these items, please leave a comment on the post
for Day 1 of the auction. Include name, bid amount and valid email! More items will be added over the course of the auction!!!!! If
you wish to donate instead, please email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama
AT gmail DOT com for information on using Paypal for donation and for
any other questions that you may have. The auction will end on 4 July 2013 at 2400 hrs CST! Paymentfor all winning bidders must be received AND cleared by 15 July 2013, before any donors will ship items! Please click here
to go to the auction posting and make your bids! Please enter item
number, bid amount and your email in the comments section of the post!
WHN will continue updating each day, and will have a cumulative posted
each night, with the leaders for each item! Good Luck!
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Day 12 Blogville Auction Updates- the Blogville Auction to help our fellow four leggers in Moore,
Oklahoma! As of 6:00 PM CST we had $639.00
(Days 9, 10 and 11 totals were $637.00 in bids; Day 8 bids totalled $629.00; Days 6 and 7 were $594.00 in bids; Day 5 was $588.00 in bids; Day 4 total was $555.00 in bids; Day 3
total was $513.00 in bids, $563.00 total including donations; Day
2 total was $478.00; Day One total was $372.00) in bids for most of our items! Donation totals to date - $70.00 from Mona and Prissy on 12 June 2013! 19 June 2013, Molly the Wally has donated $20.00!!!!! Total raised to date, including auction bids and donations, is $709.00!!!! The following Blogville residents are the current leaders by item in the Auction! Items listed in pink have new bidders in the lead from yesterday! Items in black are still without bids. Items in red indicate a BIDDING WAR!!!!!! Item 1- Casey - $10.00 Item 2- Wally and Sammy- $22.00 Item 3- Sasha- $15.00Jazzi- $11.00 Item 4- Spitty the Kitty- $55.00 Item 5- Kyla- $60.00 Item 6- Urban Hounds $20.00 Item 7- Marg- $15.00 Item 8- One Special Cat- $8.00 Item 9- Idaho Pug Ranch- $7.00 Item 10- My Three Moggies- $12.00 Item 11- Five Sibes- $11.00 Item 12 Dip Dip and Elliot- $8.00 Item 13- Caren Gittleman $20.00 Item 14 Stella Rose - $10.00 Item 15- My Three Moggies- $10.00 Item 16- Kyla- $18.00 Item 17- Gizmo- $8.00 Item 18- Sarge - $5.00 Item 19- Frankie and Ernie- $10.00 Item 20- Jazzi- $5.00 Item 21- Sasha- $25.00 Item 22 - Five Sibes- $22.00 Item 23- Chloefpuff- $15.00 Item 24- Sasha- $20.00 Item 25- Sarge- $15.00 Item 26- WHN $15.00 Item 27- The Kresty Krew $15.00 Item 28- Frankie and Ernie $20.00 Item 29- Lily Belle and Muffin $20.00 Item 30- no bids yet Item 31- no bids yet Item 32- Dip Dip and Elliot- $10.00 Item 33- The OP Pack- $15.00 Item 34- Kyla- $15.00 Item 35- Sasha- $15.00 Item 36- Reilly and Denny - $15.00 Item 37- Frankie and Ernie- $7.00 Item 38- Jackie Bouchard- $18.00 Item 39- Ginger Jasper- $35.00 Item 40- no bids yet Item 41- no bids yet Item 42- Janet Keefe- $17.00 When bidding
on these items, please leave a comment on the post
for Day 1 of the auction. Include name, bid amount and valid email! More items will be added over the course of the auction!!!!! If
you wish to donate instead, please email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama
AT gmail DOT com for information on using Paypal for donation and for
any other questions that you may have. The auction will end on 4 July 2013 at 2400 hrs CST! Paymentfor all winning bidders must be received AND cleared by 15 July 2013, before any donors will ship items! Please click here
to go to the auction posting and make your bids! Please enter item
number, bid amount and your email in the comments section of the post!
WHN will continue updating each day, and will have a cumulative posted
each night, with the leaders for each item! Good Luck!
Today, Blogville is sending POTP to our beloved Benny, our favorite French Bulldog living the high life in California with his sister, fellow French Bulldog Lily, and human Mom Andrea. Benny was diagnosed with liver cancer this week, and we the Dachsies With Moxie, are crossing our paws to help him fight this terrible disease! Please visit their blog, and if you can, please donate to his cancer fund!
Day 10 Blogville Auction Updates- the Blogville Auction to help our fellow four leggers in Moore,
Oklahoma! As of 6:00 PM CST we had $637.00
(Day 9 total was $637.00 in bids; Day 8 bids totalled $629.00; Days 6 and 7 were $594.00 in bids; Day 5 was $588.00 in bids; Day 4 total was $555.00 in bids; Day 3
total was $513.00 in bids, $563.00 total including donations; Day
2 total was $478.00; Day One total was $372.00) in bids for most of our items! Donation totals to date - $70.00 from Mona and Prissy on 12 June 2013! Today 19 June 2013, Molly the Wally has donated $20.00!!!!! Total raised to date, including auction bids and donations, is $707.00!!!! The following Blogville residents are the current leaders by item in the Auction! Items listed in pink have new bidders in the lead from yesterday! Items in black are still without bids. Items in red indicate a BIDDING WAR!!!!!! Item 1- Casey - $10.00 Item 2- Wally and Sammy- $22.00 Item 3- Sasha- $15.00Jazzi- $11.00 Item 4- Spitty the Kitty- $55.00 Item 5- Kyla- $60.00 Item 6- Urban Hounds $20.00 Item 7- Marg- $15.00 Item 8- One Special Cat- $8.00 Item 9- Idaho Pug Ranch- $7.00 Item 10- My Three Moggies- $12.00 Item 11- Spitty the Kitty $10.00 Item 12 Dip Dip and Elliot- $8.00 Item 13- Caren Gittleman $20.00 Item 14 Stella Rose - $10.00 Item 15- My Three Moggies- $10.00 Item 16- Kyla- $18.00 Item 17- Gizmo- $8.00 Item 18- Sarge - $5.00 Item 19- Frankie and Ernie- $10.00 Item 20- Jazzi- $5.00 Item 21- Sasha- $25.00 Item 22 - Goose- $21.00 Item 23- Chloefpuff- $15.00 Item 24- Sasha- $20.00 Item 25- Sarge- $15.00 Item 26- WHN $15.00 Item 27- The Kresty Krew $15.00 Item 28- Frankie and Ernie $20.00 Item 29- Lily Belle and Muffin $20.00 Item 30- no bids yet Item 31- no bids yet Item 32- Dip Dip and Elliot- $10.00 Item 33- The OP Pack- $15.00 Item 34- Kyla- $15.00 Item 35- Sasha- $15.00 Item 36- Reilly and Denny - $15.00 Item 37- Frankie and Ernie- $7.00 Item 38- Jackie Bouchard- $18.00 Item 39- Ginger Jasper- $35.00 Item 40- no bids yet Item 41- no bids yet Item 42- Janet Keefe- $17.00 When bidding
on these items, please leave a comment on the post
for Day 1 of the auction. Include name, bid amount and valid email! More items will be added over the course of the auction!!!!! If
you wish to donate instead, please email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama
AT gmail DOT com for information on using Paypal for donation and for
any other questions that you may have. The auction will end on 4 July 2013 at 2400 hrs CST! Paymentfor all winning bidders must be received AND cleared by 15 July 2013, before any donors will ship items! Please click here
to go to the auction posting and make your bids! Please enter item
number, bid amount and your email in the comments section of the post!
WHN will continue updating each day, and will have a cumulative posted
each night, with the leaders for each item! Good Luck!
Day 9 Blogville Auction Updates- the Blogville Auction to help our fellow four leggers in Moore,
Oklahoma! As of 6:00 PM CST we had $637.00
(Day 8 bids totalled $629.00; Days 6 and 7 were $594.00 in bids; Day 5 was $588.00 in bids; Day 4 total was $555.00 in bids; Day 3
total was $513.00 in bids, $563.00 total including donations; Day
2 total was $478.00; Day One total was $372.00) in bids for most of our items! Donation totals to date - $70.00 from Mona and Prissy on 12 June 2013! Today 19 June 2013, Molly the Wally has donated $20.00!!!!! Total raised to date, including auction bids and donations, is $687.00 The following Blogville residents are the current leaders by item in the Auction! Items listed in pink have new bidders in the lead from yesterday! Items in black are still without bids. Items in red indicate a BIDDING WAR!!!!!! Item 1- Casey - $10.00 Item 2- Wally and Sammy- $22.00 Item 3- Sasha- $15.00Jazzi- $11.00 Item 4- Spitty the Kitty- $55.00 Item 5- Kyla- $60.00 Item 6- Urban Hounds $20.00 Item 7- Marg- $15.00 Item 8- One Special Cat- $8.00 Item 9- Idaho Pug Ranch- $7.00 Item 10- My Three Moggies- $12.00 Item 11- Spitty the Kitty $10.00 Item 12 Dip Dip and Elliot- $8.00 Item 13- Caren Gittleman $20.00 Item 14 Stella Rose - $10.00 Item 15- My Three Moggies- $10.00 Item 16- Kyla- $18.00 Item 17- Gizmo- $8.00 Item 18- Sarge - $5.00 Item 19- Frankie and Ernie- $10.00 Item 20- Jazzi- $5.00 Item 21- Sasha- $25.00 Item 22 - Goose- $21.00 Item 23- Chloefpuff- $15.00 Item 24- Sasha- $20.00 Item 25- Sarge- $15.00 Item 26- WHN $15.00 Item 27- The Kresty Krew $15.00 Item 28- Frankie and Ernie $20.00 Item 29- Lily Belle and Muffin $20.00 Item 30- no bids yet Item 31- no bids yet Item 32- Dip Dip and Elliot- $10.00 Item 33- The OP Pack- $15.00 Item 34- Kyla- $15.00 Item 35- Sasha- $15.00 Item 36- Reilly and Denny - $15.00 Item 37- Frankie and Ernie- $7.00 Item 38- Jackie Bouchard- $18.00 Item 39- Ginger Jasper- $35.00 Item 40- no bids yet Item 41- no bids yet Item 42- Janet Keefe- $17.00 When bidding
on these items, please leave a comment on the post
for Day 1 of the auction. Include name, bid amount and valid email! More items will be added over the course of the auction!!!!! If
you wish to donate instead, please email WHN at DachsiesWithMoxieMama
AT gmail DOT com for information on using Paypal for donation and for
any other questions that you may have. The auction will end on 4 July 2013 at 2400 hrs CST! Paymentfor all winning bidders must be received AND cleared by 15 July 2013, before any donors will ship items! Please click here
to go to the auction posting and make your bids! Please enter item
number, bid amount and your email in the comments section of the post!
WHN will continue updating each day, and will have a cumulative posted
each night, with the leaders for each item! Good Luck!