Dear Blogville,
We the Dachsies With Moxie, have decided that we want to do more to help our friends in Oklahoma and we appeal to BLogville for assistance. After talking it over with WHN, we had her contact Frankie Furter's Mom and Mr. Jim, the ownee of Susie and Sidebite. We are going to sponsor an auction to help raise funds for the pets in Oklahoma and hope that Blogville will pitch in with items for this auction. It will be run along the lines of previous Blogville related auctions, with Blogville residents and their peeps donating items and the funds raised going to the Oklahoma tornado victims via Mr. Jim.
We plan on running the auction from June10th through July 4th, to give everyone time to have a great Memorial Day weekend and to relax a little as summer starts. If interested, please contact WHN at our email addy- DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com.
Dear Furends,
If you would like to HELP
the Dogs, Cats, Horses, and other ANIMALS effected by the 5/20/13
TORNADO in Moore, Oklahoma here is WHAT and HOW to do it.
Our beloved furends SUSIE, SHADOW, and SIDEBITE
are spearheading the efforts. They live less than 20 miles from
Moore. You can Click the link above ↑ to find their Blog... or go to
to read about them and learn more about the relief help that they have
gotten started. Their DAD's BOSS at the Pro Tire Center is allowing
us to use his business Address and the business CREDIT CARD system to
make donating EASY for YOU!
ALL FUNDS WILL BE DONATED to "Central Park Dog Care" which is part of the "Oklahoma Humane Society" & the "Moore Humane Society"
PeeS, they already have Dogs and Cats coming in!
We will
save all funds until we feel that most donations have been received,
then a Company check will be written. We will use a photo of YOU and your name on a POSTER when we donate the check!
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Once you have made a donation PLEASE go to Susie and Sidebite's BLOG and leave a Comment giving your permission for them to take a picture from YOUR blog... and give them your Blog URL for doing so.
Once you have made a donation PLEASE go to Susie and Sidebite's BLOG and leave a Comment giving your permission for them to take a picture from YOUR blog... and give them your Blog URL for doing so.
THEY want YOU to receive the acknowledgement you well deserve.
If you would like to send CASH or a CHECK make it Payable to PRO TIRE CENTER Mail it to :
Pro Tire Center
10735 N. Rockwell
Oklahoma City, OK 73162
Att: JIM
Be sure to include the NAME of WHO is making the donation EX... Frankie Furter
********** *********************** *********************************
If you would like to pay by Credit Card... Please send an EMAIL to
and be SURE to include the following info
in the BODY of the email please include the following:
2. Your NAME as it appears on the card PLUS....
your ADDRESS City State ZipCode and COUNTRY
3. Name of your Credit Card (Master Card.. Am. Express...or Discover only)
4. The AMOUNT $ you wish to donate
5. Your PHONE NUMBER.... in case there is a problem processing the information
6. Your Credit Card # including the Three Numbers on the BACK...
7. AND the name of the one(s) making the donation (ex. Frankie and Ernie)
(NOTE: your statement will say that a payment was made to Pro Tire Center)
THE NEED there is going to be HUGE. Please do what you can
There is NO minimum amount for donation. Every $ will HELP.
If you would like to Copy and
Paste this onto a post of your OWN ... help yourself... Spread
the WORD.... there are animals who are in MAJOR need of
OU Help. That is the BLOGVILLE WAY... WE help .
1 comment:
We sent them some moola yesterday and will be watching for your auction....we will help however we can!
stella rose
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