From Sarge |
From Dennis the Vizsla and his brother Tucker and sister Trixie |
The first two quilt squares of fabric have arrived- TODAY!!!! The first picture is that oSARGE's donation- his COP bandana. The second is from Dennis the Vizsla- a square from one of his blankets. Dennis even sent pictures of his brother Tucker enjoying the blanket and one of his sister Trixie, who did not need a blanket due to her furriness but wanted to be included!
What's Her Name will post photos of the fabric that the Furst Mom of BLogville sent for the quilt- it is gorgeous!
Wow, I'm so glad to have my COP bandana included. This is such a wonderful idea! Thanks for doing this and I can't wait to see all of the other fabrics.
BTW: I think you can probably get my name off of there...it's stuck on, but with your talent I bet you can remove it. I was afraid I'd chew right through! BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Aw how sweet. Getting mine in the mail soon
Dachshund Nola
Sarge, the name is staying! Would ruin the fabric and it is simply too perfect to be meddled with in any way!
Mine will be on it's way soon!
How nice! We're getting something together too and will probably get it mailed out next week.
This is such a most wonderful project you are doing!!!
I am planning my square....and sending it off to you right after Christmas!!!
This is such a most wonderful project you are doing!!!
I am planning my square....and sending it off to you right after Christmas!!!
we are sending ours!!
Benny & Lily
This is such a great idea. We are sending mine tomorrow hopefully - but the post from England might take a while. We'll will it to arrive REALLY soon.
Love and licks, Winnie
what a lovely quilt this will be! what a great holiday project. i love the fabric you chose. i hope you and your family have a wonderful and safe christmas!!
Fabulous contributions! :D
Workin on mine (well mine and Mom's). Will get if off to ya next week.
Happy Holidays to you!
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